April 2012 Moms

What are your worries?

What are your worries? I can't be the only mom on here who reads what other LOs are able to do and thinks "Well, crap. My kid can't do ANY of that." I know that my LO is "fine." I know that all kids develop at different levels. I know he'll catch up eventually, but there's still a nagging feeling that bothers me when my kid is "behind."

I'm not looking for, "Oh, he'll catch up. Everyone develops differently." Let out your frustrations and concerns that your sick of everyone telling you to stop worrying about. You're a mom! You're allowed to worry. So here is our sympathy free tuesday concern (SFTC) tee hee.

Micah Leonard
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: What are your worries?

  • My kid can't crawl. He doesn't even roll. He can't wave and rarely claps. He's still tiny and hasn't been gaining much lately, despite feeding him CONSTANTLY. Doctor told us to start adding whole milk to his diet.
    Micah Leonard
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • The not crawling and pulling up on stuff bugs me.  I worry that I don't give him enough time to try, so therefore I coddle him.  He doesn't wave or clap.  I have no idea what is "normal" and if I wasn't part of these BMBs I probably wouldn't even care.  It's a double edged sword.  You get all kinds of great advice and support, but its impossible not to compare you LOs to ones that are demonstrating more skills.
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  • Not crawling, although he does manage to roll or drag himself on his arms sometimes.

    Still on purees, with no interest in chewing. No pincer grasp either.

    Doesn't clap or wave

    I'm worried the doctor is going to insist we have him see a specialist at his 9-month because he's so big.

    None of these are major worries, though. Just kind of wondering when it's going to happen.

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  • I'm pretty sure DD doesn't know her name yet.  Which is our fault b/c we have about 10 different nicknames for her.  Also she has no desire to hold a bottle/sippy cup.  I figured she would atleast be trying by now.  And no waving yet either! oh well
  • imageKristenS09:
    I'm pretty sure DD doesn't know her name yet.  Which is our fault b/c we have about 10 different nicknames for her.  Also she has no desire to hold a bottle/sippy cup.  I figured she would atleast be trying by now.  And no waving yet either! oh well

    Micah gets so excited for his sippy cup and opens his mouth when I pick it up. He keeps it wide open as I put the lip in his mouth and tilt it, and he keeps it open as the water pours in until it chokes him. He then coughs it all out, and opens his mouth for me to do it again. The few times he's done it the "right" way, he barfs all of the water back up 5 minutes later. My kid gets an F in sippy cup.

    Micah Leonard
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I guess not drinking form a sippy cup and she doesn't wave yet. I try not to worry (STM here). With my first I worried a lot, slow weight gain, not crawling or pulling up until later. DD#2 is growing up very fast thanks to her sister and peers.



  • imagejcsntms06:
    I guess not drinking form a sippy cup and she doesn't wave yet. I try not to worry (STM here). With my first I worried a lot, slow weight gain, not crawling or pulling up until later. DD#2 is growing up very fast thanks to her sister and peers.

    With my first I was a worrywort (young & FTM). But 2 kids later I do not worry as much about milestones...



  • My DD is already 9 months old (I think me and Steel's baby are close in age), and she is not crawling yet, she is on all fours and rocks back and forth and then falls flat on her face!  She can crawl backwards really good.  She does this "wave" but it  not a "normal wave", no clapping.  She does not have pincher grasp really good, and she is totally NOT interested in "real food".  No mama or dada, just whiny sounds.  As for the sippy cup.....my friend gave me all different kinds to try and I must say that my DD uses the one with the straw the best.  She will suck like using a bottle and sometimes gets too much, but by far has been the easier to use.  Maybe try those!

    I hear all these stories from my friends, oh my kid walked at 9 months and was saying mama at 7 months, and then I feel my daughter is going to be behind developmentally so then I try to push her, which is totally not fair to her, she will get it on her own time. I just want for her to be "normal".

  • I acutally don't worry about the milestones as much as my husband does.  He is always comparing him to his nephew or other kids....my child is right on track and will master the milestones on his own time.  He also gets an F in sippy cup.  If I give him one he makes one attempt to put it in his mouth and then throws it on the floor. :)  He is starting to wave but he is not crawling and not rolling.  He rolled one time and then had enough of that!  He rolls onto his tummy to sleep and that about it.  I guess Im more worried about finances and being able to pay for child care for him and any future baby.  Its like paying a second mortgage....a much LARGER mortgage!  Jeez....so that is what I stress about.
     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • imagemkwt:

    I hear all these stories from my friends, oh my kid walked at 9 months and was saying mama at 7 months, and then I feel my daughter is going to be behind developmentally so then I try to push her, which is totally not fair to her, she will get it on her own time. I just want for her to be "normal".

    We haven't even introduced sippy cups yet.

    As for being delayed--as a preemie my DD was naturally delayed and then there were some delays on top of that. Now, at 5, she's pretty advanced. Although I listed some "worries," I'm not really concerned. For the most part, kids all develop at their own pace and that's what's normal.

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  • Does it count that I'm not worried about my daughter's developmental skills, but that I suck as a mom and the only reason she does anything is because she's in an awesome daycare 3 days a week. I am running out of ideas to entertain her and I feel like I bore the crap out of her and she prefers daycare.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageKatFCo:

    I hear all these stories from my friends, oh my kid walked at 9 months and was saying mama at 7 months, and then I feel my daughter is going to be behind developmentally so then I try to push her, which is totally not fair to her, she will get it on her own time. I just want for her to be "normal".

    We haven't even introduced sippy cups yet.

    As for being delayed--as a preemie my DD was naturally delayed and then there were some delays on top of that. Now, at 5, she's pretty advanced. Although I listed some "worries," I'm not really concerned. For the most part, kids all develop at their own pace and that's what's normal.

    My DD was also early, not too much, 3 weeks, so I try to take that into account! 

    I need to remember that all babies are different and what is normal for one is not necessarily normal for my DD.

  • imageSketchipyro:
    Does it count that I'm not worried about my daughter's developmental skills, but that I suck as a mom and the only reason she does anything is because she's in an awesome daycare 3 days a week. I am running out of ideas to entertain her and I feel like I bore the crap out of her and she prefers daycare.

    Do you know how my DD was transitioned to a baby bed, YEP, because she goes to daycare one day a week and they had been working on getting her to sleep in the baby bed. 

  • Mine just barely started rolling.  Nowhere near crawling.  She's a sturdy sitter, but that's as far as it goes.  Forget pulling herself, the kid won't even hold her own bottle!  Socially, she could care less about interacting with people, kids and things.  She does enjoy observing stuff.  She hasn't said any words and isn't babbling or using consonants. She never sleeps through the night and is such a restless sleeper that she gets herself cornered in crib and can't figure out how to get herself out and self-soothe back to sleep. And she is probably the fussiest baby alive.  She's so intense when she plays with her toys that she gets frustrated and cries.  Let's add teeting, colds and my new favorite, separation anxiety in to the mix.  I am finally talking to her pediatrician about first group of things I mentioned. 

    There was another baby at her Little Gym class with the exact same birthday crawling all over the place, walking with assistance and babbling up a storm.  I know I shouldn't feel this way, but it was a little embarassing for me.  I am a SAHM and read, talk and play with her constantly.  It makes me feel like I've failed to help her advance.   

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  • imageSketchipyro:
    Does it count that I'm not worried about my daughter's developmental skills, but that I suck as a mom and the only reason she does anything is because she's in an awesome daycare 3 days a week. I am running out of ideas to entertain her and I feel like I bore the crap out of her and she prefers daycare.

    Totally counts. Micah is at daycare 4 days/'week and gets so much more out of it than I could provide him. It breaks my heart that they get to see more of my son's awake time during the week than I do, but I know that it's a great experience for him. I secretly want to punch the girl when she says, "Oh, he loves ____" when I had no idea he loved it. "You don't put him on his tummy? Oh, he loves to be on his tummy and have his back patted." PUNCH.

    Micah Leonard
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Luke will only roll on the bed (great! how dangerous) but not on the floor. he just lays there with his arms out. He hates tummy time and swims around but doesnt roll or crawl at all.

    He doesnt have interest in holding his own bottle even though he can if he wants to.

    It's hard to see babies younger than him do more even though I know he's probably ok. He loves to watch and take everything in. He can sit really well though

  • I told my daycare lady not to tell me when DD does things so I dont feel like I'm missing out on her firsts. When she finally rolled over for me, she probably had been doing it for a week at daycare but for me it was the first time and that's all that matters to me.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Daycare is the best......we learned (and both LO's learned) so much from DC! 

    That being said, DD #2 is doing really well......about the only thing that was mentioned that she isn't doing is waving.  The sippy cup she is getting really good at, but at times she lets all the water pour down the front of her.

    To be honest, and I don't know why, I still check EVERY night to make sure she is still breathing......SIDS still scares the crap out of me.

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  • I have 2 big worries- one, he doesn't even come close to sleeping through the night. I mean, not once. ever. the most I have ever had was 4 hours, and it was a fluke. I know we are in for trouble since DH is not going to let me CIO, but I feel like we have to start doing something...which leads me to #2- we fail with solids.  THe only real "meal" he gets right now is at daycare.  But he could give two farts about purees. But maybe if I had him on a more consistent eating schedule, he would sleep better. ugh.

    Thank you Steel for opening this up for vents.  :)

  • He doesn't crawl forward, only backwards. No waving or clapping. No interest in sippy cup but can feed himself. Won't hold a bottle. Doesn't recognize his name but can say mama. Still uses a pacifier to sleep. Hasn't mastered most of the 6 mnth toys like the ring stacker.
    Kellen 4.27.12 Miller 6.30.13 Baby #3 edd 9.7.15
  • My DS is not rolling (never have) or crawling.  He sits well, and stands with help.  We're trying to get him to walk holding my hands, but he has stick legs, and won't hardly bend them.  He doesn't want anything to do with puffs, mums, or any 'real' food.  He gags on them.  He loves his purees and chomps them like he's eating, but doesn't like real food.  I got him to eat mashed potatoes, but I'm not sure if that counts.  If I'm eating something, I'll let him lick it, or put his mouth on it.  I try not to worry, but it's hard not too.  Oh and I still check him when he's sleeping for breathing too!  Great thread!  It's nice to know that we have a lot of the same concerns.

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  • I give my DC a lot of credit. When she started at 4 months he would scream on her tummy time so I pretty much never did it. They got her loving it and sitting up quicker than I know he would of at home because of this little half circle thing. They taught her to hold a bottle too. L kinda moves her fingers when I try to get her to wave but I still get a pretty blank look. She does not know how to clap. She usually can't fall asleep on her own either. I think most my worries are her sleeping habits. 

    Lillian April 17, 2012
  • Micah's 9 month checkup yesterday didn't help my concerns. He's doing well with fine motor skills, but gross motor skills are a little behind. She said not to worry, but again, it's hard not to when she's constantly saying, "Can he crawl? Scoot? Pull himself up? STTN?" Nope. He's also still so small, but she seems okay with that as well. And TeamHayes, the stacking toy, I haven't even introduced that because I know he would do nothing but eat it!

    Oh, and he doesn't imitate anything we do other than our conversations (he has whole conversations with himself at meals). All the books say to show them what you want them to do and that babies "love" to imitate, but my kid intently watches us, then does whatever the heck he wants to with whatever we're trying to teach him. Kid with his own mind over here.

    Micah Leonard
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • While I'm not worried about these things, maybe I can help you feel better:  DD doesn't wave or clap or babble with consonants.

    The thing about these message boards is that people only bother to post if something is exceptional.  You don't hear about the average stuff, so it makes it seem like your baby is behind when he really isn't.

    When I do find myself starting to worry about stuff, I try to remind myself how babies start doing stuff seemingly overnight, with no warning.  Up until a week and a half ago, DD wasn't sitting up on her own.  Then all of a sudden, she started sitting up and pulling herself up on the furniture in the same week.

    DD is teeny tiny too, but that's also not something I'm worried about.  DH, while tall, was always a skinny kid, and I'm really short.  I figure she just got both "small" genes!  Don't worry about percentiles.  Not every person can be in the 90th percentile.  Someone has to be in the 9th percentile!

    And developmental milestones are described in age ranges for reason.  Now if your kid is turning 1 and can't clap, you might worry.  But he still has time to learn. 

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  • C is ahead on most of her milestones, but this kid has had 2 teeth forever! Her pediatrician said no finger foods until she has 4 teeth, but she's cutting teeth so late we decided if we wait, she'll never get to eat and she totally has the motor skills to feed herself. We started giving her puffs after Thanksgiving and she had her first meal of table food last night. Then as I was putting her to bed last night, I saw the teeniest tip of a 3rd tooth. It's about time!

    DH worries that I still get up to feed her when she wakes and cries around 2am, though she's STTN the last 3 nights. He thinks we need to get rid of the baby monitor because she's too old for it and I don't think she is.

    She thinks the rings on the stacker toy are for chewing. Unfortunately, my dog agrees with her and has devoured 2 of them. 


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  • This post makes me feel better!  He isn't waving either although I believe my pedi said more around the 9 month age so he has some time.  Not crawling though we may finally be close.  Also, everything goes in the mouth.  I know people say it is normal but I think he is an extreme.  We have toys for that are supposed to help with hand/eye coordination.  The only thing he uses them for is teething rings.  I just think he is a very happy and healthy boy, we are lucky!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I feel like I worry way too much about things, and I hate to compare because I know they are developing just fine. I am driving DH and my family crazy when I worry about stuff like this...

    Neither of my babies are crawling yet, nor do they "rock" on their hands and knees. They LOVE to bounce in the Baby Einstein jumpers. They sit unassisted on the floor with toys, but not for too long. They put everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in their mouths!! I was told this is all normal. I feel bad sometimes though because I find myself questioning whether or not I put them on the floor enough for them to learn to crawl....

  • I worry about her sleeping habits. We bedshare and breastfeed and let's just say she is NO WHERE near sleeping through the night. I think she is also going to be on the short side, like me who's 5'3". She was in the 25% for height at her 6 month appointment, but 50% in weight and 75% in head circumference.
  • I did a height predictor (sp?) and it said my kid is gonna be 6'10"!!! He says mama, dada and baba (bottle) regularly, but he doesn't crawl, clap, wave....he just started rolling and sitting himself up from laying. He gets a sippy cup to his lips, then chews on it and drowns himself. He also seems skinny to me. He is barely 20 pounds, even though he is 30" long and needs 12 pants and footie PJs, due to his long legs. He also poops very, very little lately...and we have been extremely conservative with his non breastmilk food. No meat, no dairy....very little that doesn't come premade in baby food. I see the things other moms give their babies, and I just see Nate choking on all of it. Yup, I am a total worry wart.
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