waterfall and lovelovelovelove: I am thinking about you and am hoping this is your lucky month!
Since next Tuesday is Christmas, I will not be posting a check in. I will resume either Jan 1 or 2.
What month/cycle is this?
Any challenges so far?
Anything new you are trying this month?
Anything else you would like to share?
GTKY: Your favorite holiday food.
Re: TTC Weekly Check In
Still waiting on AF to show up so we can start our fresh IVF cycle. Should be right after the holidays.
I've been having dreams about being pregnant so hopefully that's a good sign
Favorite Holiday Food: cookies! or apple pie!
What month/cycle is this? 5th since using OPK
Any challenges so far? No smileys so far think I may have missed it or its going to be really late
Anything new you are trying this month? nothing
Anything else you would like to share? I got nothing
GTKY: Your favorite holiday food. peanut butter balls maybe?
What month/cycle is this? 2nd cycle since m/c that sounds short, feels a lot longer, 7 months since we started TTC
Any challenges so far? cycle is all messed up from m/c
Anything new you are trying this month? Not yet, but will start temping next month
Anything else you would like to share? Feeling blah about TTC right now Edit: AF just arrived so I am definitely out this month, on to my 3rd cycle
GTKY: Your favorite holiday food. There are so many I love. nbsp;Today it's cardamom bread because I made it last night. We will be visiting ILs this Christmas so I am looking forward to potatis korv Swedish potato sausage and pepperkakers thin, crisp spice cookies.
What month/cycle is this?
TTC for about 6 months, but still can't TTC until I have one more cycle post miscarriage.
Any challenges so far? Waiting to TTC again and wondering how my next pregnancy will turn out.
Anything new you are trying this month? Nope
Anything else you would like to share? Nope
GTKY: Your favorite holiday food. Anything with sugar in it! Cookies, candy, pies - yum yum!
BFP #5 11/15/14, Team Green EDD 7/22/15
BFP #4 4/30/13, baby girl born med-free Jan. 2014
BFP #3 9/24/12, Missed m/c at 9w1d (baby measured 8w5d)
BFP #2 9/23/10, healthy baby girl born med-free June 2011
BFP #1 5/21/10, Missed m/c at 10w4d (baby measured 8wks), D&C 6/29/10
"Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."