Cloth Diapering


How old are you? 

How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?

What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now?

Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?

What's a quirky trait that you have?

Anything random about yourself that you want to share?

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.


  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    How old are you? I'm 24

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? My husband was on a service call! I shamelessly flirted him while he was working on my neighbor's apartment every time he came outside. We've been together for over four years now and got married on April 1st in 2011.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? if we're laying face down on the floor, she crawls onto our backs and straddles us like a horse. Then she claps and pats your back if you buck up and down. It's awesome.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I SAH now, but I was in banking before I left to stay home. It was a really tough decision because I loved my job, the people I worked with, and had very quickly climbed the corporate ladder to a management position, but now I can't imagine it any other way.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I don't like it when my food touches.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? I hate cooking, but love baking! It's kind of taken a back seat to my newfound love of sewing, but with the holiday season upon us I've gotten to get back into it. Yay!

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Okay, I'll bite

    How old are you? 31

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? We met at a college football game. We've been together for 11 years, married for 7.5.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? DS thinks our dogs are hilarious. He belly laughs when I make our Lab sit, and since the dog barely gets his butt on the ground before he's up again, DS has many opportunities to laugh!

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I SAH now, but I was a teacher for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders before I had DS.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I am very indecisive, but when I do finally make a decision, I am the most stubborn person you'll ever meet. I also tend to be a far more analytical person rather than emotional, so it is difficult for me to understand other female perspectives at times.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? Hmm. Nope.



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  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    How old are you? 33

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? We met at a speed dating event. We have been together for 9.5 years, married for 5.5 years.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? Everytime she falls, or sees her cousin fall she says "Boom!" then starts to giggle.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I work outside the home, I am a Registered Massage Therapist.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? Man I have no clue. I'm sure there is something, I'm just too tired to think of something!

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin
    After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Time to make Emilie a big sister!

    May '16 2.0: Letrozole+FSH+Menopur+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP! first beta-45.44, second beta-148

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    How old are you? 

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now?

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?

    What's a quirky trait that you have?

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?

    I am 23.

    My husband and I went to HS school together. We started dating when we were 15 and we'll be married for 2 years this April.

    D is so sweet all the time.  I really love watching him discover different textures and sounds with his toys. He loves to put everything in his mouth or hold it above him and stare at it.  Also, every time I change his diaper he'll grab ahold of my arm and kinda rub it. Its so adorable :) 

    I am a SAHM but I have my nursing degree. Once D is a yr old I plan to go back to work. I love working in the ICU or I'd love to go back to school to be a midwife.

    A quirky trait. Hmm I think my husband would say its my little rituals I have. Folding laundry is very ritualistic and relaxing to me. I shake everything- boxes of cereal, bottles of liquid, jars of sauce, glass of water. 3 shakes and we're good! 

    A little random.  Hm I guess I feel super close with all you ladies and sometimes I think, "Hm I'll ask the CD ladies." But I don't want this board to get too random so I just do a little WWCDLadiesD and go for it ;)   And, I hate eating weird, skinny, burnt, or brown french fries. If the ends are sharp I pinch them off. I can't handle McD's or Steak and Shake fries!

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  • How old are you?  I'm 25.

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?  Our friends were engaged. We were both in the wedding. They broke up, we got together. We have been together for six years and married for four.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? He tries to give us "kisses", which really means sucking on our face every chance he gets. Love those slobber kisses!

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I'm a SAHM right now and am working towards my doula certification. I'm a doula very part-time now and I'm not sure if I will go full-time once I get certified. It will probably depend on if we start working on munchkin number two next year or not. Before I had the baby I was a medical receptionist.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I have to blow in my glass before I pour anything in it. It's some sort of weird OCD thing I have had since childhood. I also don't drink the last half inch of liquid in the cup.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? I did all my Christmas shopping this evening and I am DONE! DH was home early from work and was watching the little guy so I decided to take advantage and do some speed shopping.

    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • How old are you? 22

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? We met in high school. We've been together a little over 6 years.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? Shes clapping!

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I stay at home. My last job, a few years ago, was coaching gymnastics.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I don't like lettuce?

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? I always bake cookies and brownies and stuff but I never eat it myself. 

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  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    How old are you? 28

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? In high school. I went to an all girls school and he went to an all boys school. Two of our friends were dating and we met and talked on AIM for many months. :-) 15 year olds haha! ETA: we got married in March 2010. We've known eachother since 1999, but didn't exclusively date that entire time.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? Getting way too fat and not getting ready to come out! Let's go!

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I am going to be staying at home for a while and finishing my last class for my master's March-July. I'd like to go back part time next year maybe, but we'll see. I am a teacher.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I hate confrontation of any sort and always make my hubby do it. But, once he starts it, I feel the urge to jump in and take over!

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? hmm we live overseas! We are between posts to have the baby and moving to Africa late February!

    1 Baby Girl 12/28/12 
    #2 due 11/28/14
    2 Angel Babies 9/11, 2/12

  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    How old are you? 27

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? We were both counselors at a summer camp in college. We've been together 7 years, married for 5.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? He's fascinated with cups (especially if DH or I am drinking out of one). He'll grab it with both hands and start sucking on the rim.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I'm a bit of a hybrid. I work from home part time and work outside the home part time. I'm an administrative assistant/hr specialist.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I need things to be in rainbow order when possible (markers, dishes, clothes, diapers...)

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? We currently live in Germany.

    London Eye 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersimage

  • How old are you?

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet?
    He got out of patrol school and was stationed in my town. My mom owns a restaurant that the Troopers frequent a he came in while in training while I was working.

    And how long have you been together/married?
    We've been together four years and married in April 2011.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now?
    Baby on board for us! I'm due 1226 but we may be meeting baby this week due to high BP and bedrest.

    Do you SAH or WOH?

    What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?
    So. He had NOTHING to do with influencing me, but I'm a State Trooper like my husband. And he's my shift partner. I had already started my application process when he moved to town. We work two separate counties but they're adjoining and its out of the same office. When I go back in April, he's working strictly nights and I'll work strictly days so we don't have to do child care and the baby can always have a parent at home. Its the closest to being a SAHM I will get. My pay is too good and the benefits rock. My dream would be SAH until prek and go back but its not an option in my line.

    What's a quirky trait that you have?
    I'm VERY anal about my laundry. No one can touch it. Which has made bed rest difficult. Is that quirky or just maniac!?

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?
    This is our first together and my husband always says he can't believe he married such a crunchy hippie. He's such a city boy grew up in NYC and I'm all about home made laundry detergent, organic milk, baby wearing, and cloth diapering. He's not used to the way I want to do things. He's SO grateful I have the bump because its taught us both a lot.
    IMG_4940vin-1-1 Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • How old are you? 33 (Just turned, I had to think about that one!)

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?  We met at a country and western bar, haha.  Neither of us are really into that type of thing, so it was kind of random.  We've been together 6 years, married for 4 next month.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now?  I think everything she does is cute!  But when she sees a picture of someone she knows, she squeals.  It's so cool that she can recognize people in pictures.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?  I work in compliance at a hospital.

    What's a quirky trait that you have?  Like PP, I prefer to have things in rainbow order, even food.  Trix cereal is a nightmare for me.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?  I love to bake!  I made my BFF's wedding cake, probably my biggest accomplishment.

    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • How old are you? 33

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? My best friend and his best friend met via a dating website.  They wanted to meet, but didn't want to go alone for safety reasons.  We both agreed to go along to keep them company.  We hit it off over dinner & have been together ever since.  We've been together for 9 years and married for 8.5.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? He's just started cooing and paying more attention to what is going on around him.  Last night he had a whole "conversation" with the yellow cow hanging on his carseat handle.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? WOH - I work in the actuarial department at an insurance company.  If you don't know what an actuary is, you'r not alone.  Just think number crunching for insurance companies. Big Smile 

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I have a good memory - as in semi-photgraphic.  Came in really handy in school!

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? I used to crochet and sew when I was younger, but up until about 6 months ago hadn't done either in many years.  I crocheted a blanket and some throws for our new livingroom set before LO was born.  I'd really like to start sewing CD's and maybe try to crochet wool soakers.  But my biggest personality flaw is I usually bite off more than I can chew.  We'll see if I can actually get any sewing done while working full time and taking care of two boys!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image imageimageimage

  • How old are you? I am just about to turn 33.

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? We actually met while I was out with another guy, lol.  We went to DH's apartment to hang out and DH and I clicked immediately.  DH and I started making all these plans to hang out as a group so we could see each other again!  We've been together 13 years and married for 5.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? I love all of his facial expressions.  It is so adorable when he gets excited about something and his mouth just opens up into the biggest smile!

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I SAH, but I do have a very part time job teaching cake decorating.  I was a cake decorator before I decided to SAH.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I'm sure my DH would have tons of answers to this question!  I will say that I tend to get along better with men than with women.  I have a bit of a tomboy personality.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?  Right now, I am doing a dairy free diet because it looks like dairy contributes to DS's reflux.  I just tried dairy free cheese the other day and, I have to say, it was seriously not that bad.  And I am obsessed with cheese :)  It will get me by until I can have real cheese again, lol.

  • How old are you? 
    I'm 24
    We have a beautiful 4 month old baby girl

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?
    We met in California which was weird because we both moved out there spur of the moment thing in 2007. I was from nc he was from pa. We've been together four years married for one.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now?
    She gets so excited when my husband gets home she smiles and screams :

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?
    I stay at home with her. I worked reception at an animal hospital before I had her.

    What's a quirky trait that you have?
    I have to have the radio or tv on a even number for volume.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?
    I've been a vegetarian for 6 years.
  • How old are you?  30

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? Online.  We've been together for 8 years and married for 4.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? DD loves to tuck in all her stuffed animals and babies and sets up "beds" for them all over the house.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I work full time as an editor, but most of my hours are spent working from home.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I have a ridiculously good memory.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? I'm left-handed.

  • How old are you?  I am 34

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?      We met while teaching English in South Korea. We've been together 6 years, married for 3.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? Developing...still expecting. I lurk here trying to learn as much as possible because I fully intend to CD when Bean arrives.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?     I work as a web assistant...mostly work with web content management. I am also a student, pursuing an MAT for teaching and an M.Ed in school counseling. Once the baby arrives, I will take the 12 weeks FMLA allows me, then come back to work/school.

    What's a quirky trait that you have?   I keep equal portions of everything on my plate at the same time so that my last bite is always a mix of everything that was on the plate.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?   I want to write for Harlequin someday. :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm 27.  DH and I met in college in the church music ministry.  We've been together for 9 years and married for 4.  I just noticed the babies looking at their hands, like, yesterday--funny how that entertains them so much!  I SAH now, but I was the office manager at a radio station before.  Quirky trait...hmmm.... I always tap the top of a can of pop before I open it.  Drives dh crazy b/c he says it does nothing, but I can't help it, its habit!  Sorry for the wall o text; the tablet doest like paragraphs.

    TTC since September 2009.

    IVF #2: +HPT 2/6/12! ~ Boy/Girl Twins!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How old are you? 30

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? We met at a dance at the university we both attended. Been together almost 9 years, married for almost 6 of them.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? She hunts our cats down and kisses them when I ask her to - its adorable. And her bird sound (tweet tweet) is seriously the cutest thing I'd ever heard.

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I work fulltime in finance. In the mornings I'm at the office and I get to work from home in the afternoons.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I'm a closet nerd. Okay fine, I'm pretty much an all-out nerd. 

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? I have a fairly well known (in South Africa) food blog and recently started a natural parenting blog. What can I say - I love having a creative outlet!

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  • imageateach:

    How old are you? 28

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? In high school. I went to an all girls school and he went to an all boys school. Two of our friends were dating and we met and talked on AIM for many months. :-) 15 year olds haha! ETA: we got married in March 2010. We've known eachother since 1999, but didn't exclusively date that entire time.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? Getting way too fat and not getting ready to come out! Let's go!

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I am going to be staying at home for a while and finishing my last class for my master's March-July. I'd like to go back part time next year maybe, but we'll see. I am a teacher.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I hate confrontation of any sort and always make my hubby do it. But, once he starts it, I feel the urge to jump in and take over!

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? hmm we live overseas! We are between posts to have the baby and moving to Africa late February!

     Awesome! Where in Africa are you moving to? I live in South Africa. 

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  • How old are you?  32

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?  We met in a youth bowling league when I was 14.  No, we haven't been together solid since.  Ages 14-21 were bumpy for me. ;)  We got back together the last time in Sept 2011 and have been married 7.5 years now.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now?  Just following his/her usual patterns in utero. :) 

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?  I'm still working out of the home FT and will continue to do so unless DH gets a new job with a mega raise + awesome benefits.  I work as the admin/office manager/exec asst for a local university in the psych dept. 

    What's a quirky trait that you have?  I don't know!  I'm hella random, but I don't know if that's quirky. <p>

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?  I've been on the knot/nest/bump boards since 04.  Crazy!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How old are you? 


    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married?

    November marked 8 years of being together and celebrated 5 years married this year. 

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now?

    DD has been big on developing her physical skills like walking, running, and climbing.  But she has started using words and actually talking more.  Last night when she was up at 3am :( she started saying bubble asking for us to get out her bubble maker.  Even at 3am it was pretty stinking cute to see her actually using verbal skills. 

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now?

    WOH, DH is a SAHD.  I went back to my job after maternity leave and celebrated 5 yrs with the company this year.  I work as an engineering in our sales department.   Basically I have to know everything our engineers do but not actually engineer anything.  I can talk sales and customer but also technical.  I am an awesome interface I guess.

    What's a quirky trait that you have?

    I am a super geek.  All ways have been and always will be. 

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?

    42, I will always answer 42 if anybody asks me if they can ask me a question or an open ended question like this.  It is after all the answer to life the universe and everything. ;) 

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  • imagemargaretkaye1:

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I'm VERY anal about my laundry. No one can touch it. Which has made bed rest difficult. Is that quirky or just maniac!?

    I live in constant fear of what will happen to my laundry if I am not able to do it. I don't even let DH wash his work clothes.  

    This makes three of us. I've compromised with J that if he needs something of his clean he can wash it but he isn't to touch anything else.

    I've had a bunch of fun reading everyone's GTKY answers! I especially liked hearing the cute things all the little ones are doing now.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • imagemargaretkaye1:

    I am a SAHM.  I was most recently in nursing school but after months of discussing it we decided I would quit to take care of our family and a we could add to it. I used to be a single mom so I had a number of jobs while trying to support us and get through school. No real career. The job I held the longest was stripper lol. I don't keep it secret, but no one really believes it lol. 

    Geez, and here I was thinking that my former job was interesting! Wink

  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    How old are you? 28

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? And how long have you been together/married? We met at church in aug 2008 and got married in aug 2009

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? She likes to come over to me, hold out her hand for me to take it, say "go go go" and lead me around. Sometimes when she does this she says "ah-wee wee" instead. We were trying to figure out what thatbmeant, and all we could think of was "away we go," which is what DH says when he puts her in her car seat and they're about to go somewhere! She is so silly! :)

    Do you SAH or WOH? What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I'm a family physician. DH is a saint who stays at home and takes amazing care of our girlie.

    What's a quirky trait that you have? I got nothin... Last night was the worst night we've had with DD. she's sick, teething, and we're visiting my parents, so none of us got much sleep. :(

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share? Ah... I'm the 4th of 5 kids and have been an aunt since I was 6 yrs old. I love kids and would ideally like to have 4 or 5.

    Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
    BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is such a fun thread! 

    How old are you? 34

    How did you and your husband/significant other meet? At a party in college. In 1996.  And how long have you been together/married? We've been together for 11 years and married for 6 of those.

    What's something cute or funny that your baby is doing now? Unwrapping the presents under the tree. I've had to re-wrap at least 5 already.

    Do you SAH or WOH? I SAH but am ready to WOH part-time again. We're waiting until DD is old enough for a more affordable childcare option, though. What was your line of work before SAH/What is your line of work now? I am a massage therapist and most recently worked in a fancy spa. I loved that job and recently spoke with my former manager who said my job is there whenever I want it back!

    What's a quirky trait that you have? Closet nerd. And practical to a fault.

    Anything random about yourself that you want to share?  My favorite meat is venison.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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