DD still enjoys her AM and PM bottle. ?(yes I know she is 2 no flame please) ? She doenst drink milk really thru out the day, she drinks out of a regular cup all day at school, uses a sippy at dinner (she has a tendency to throw things if she gets mad). ?How did you start to wean off of it completely?
Re: if bottles are a part of night time routine, how did you start to ween?
I was sooooo stressed out about this. I posted about it for feedback, read books about it, got myself all worked up in preparation, and the night it happened I just didn't give him a bottle and he was totally fine. It was so simple that it was almost laughable. I think he was 15 months old at the time but I don't remember for sure. And he used to actually fall asleep while drinking his bottle, so I thought it was going to be a huge deal.
I wish I could remember exactly what I did in preparation for actually getting rid of the bottle. I did something to his bedtime routine to help replace it, but I can't remember what now. Like I said, though, he didn't even seem to notice or care.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Like PP I was really stressed about this, especially because DS wouldn't take milk/formula out of a sippy for a while.
Honestly, we just went cold turkey and DS was unphased. He definitely didn't drink as much milk/formula at first, but it didn't affect his sleep or routine at all. Of course, he was never falling asleep on the bottle, he just drank it while we read books.
My experience was really similar to femmegem's. I thought it was going to be so hard, but it wasn't at all! Have you tried just not giving it to her? That might be the first (and last!) step.?
And I just wanted to add that people kept telling me how worried they were about getting rid of the nighttime bottle but that it was so easy and their kids didn't even seem to notice but really thought DS would be different because the bottle was such an integral part of his bedtime routine for so long, but I'm not exaggerating when I say he didn't miss a beat the first night I didn't give it to him. In fact, he slept better that night than he had ever before, I think because I hadn't just filled his belly with a bunch of liquid.
If I had known how easy it would be and how much better he'd sleep without that bottle, I would have gotten rid of it months before I actually did. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, but this is honestly how I felt after I did it.
Good luck!
Hopefully it will be as easy for you as it was for the other posters in here.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church