(Bear with me for a few minutes, I will be posting the Challenge in another post and am working on formatting right now between feeding lunch to DD)
So a bit of a GTKY for our first weekly check in.
How long have you been CDing?
What's your level of experience with sewing/crafting?
What would you be most interested in seeing as the upcoming DIY challenges?
What DIY projects are you most proud of that you've done?
Re: Weekly DIY Cloth Diapering Check-in
I've been CDing since A was just over a week old. Next time I'm hoping to CD my baby right from birth!
I basically taught myself how to sew right before A was born with some nursery projects, and from there I just kind of went crazy with learning how to do a bunch of different things. Now I make a lot of our clothes, and am pretty much always coming up with new projects and ideas.
I'm probably most proud (at the moment, anyways) of the outfit that I made A for Thanksgiving. It was a really pretty fully lined A line tunic in chocolate and champagne satin, with a matching flower headband, and an ivory and champagne shrug. I came up with the pattern and spent HOURS thinking in my head of how to put it together before I ever even touched my scissors to fabric, and it came out just perfectly. I was pretty excited!
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
How long have you been CDing?
Since we brought DD home from the hospital.
What's your level of experience with sewing/crafting?
I've been sewing since I was a kid.
What would you be most interested in seeing as the upcoming DIY challenges?
Ooh - anything!
What DIY projects are you most proud of that you've done?
I made most of DD's bedding!
We have been CDing for 2.5 months.
I am REALLY good with scissors and a glue gun
I am hoping to get a sewing machine for Christmas though.
DIY inserts. Thats a pretty easy thing for us beginners. And some DIY fitted for those experienced sewers.
Tie-dyed flats. I've only bragged about them a few million times!
How long have you been CDing? Since DS was about 5-6 weeks old.
What's your level of experience with sewing/crafting? Probably moderate. I've been sewing for a long time, but I'm by no means an expert.
What would you be most interested in seeing as the upcoming DIY challenges? I would love to make some velcro pockets because DS is about to grow out of his. I am not a big fan of working with elastic, though, so it's holding me back, haha.
What DIY projects are you most proud of that you've done? I have been really lazy in the DIY department lately. I think the last big project I was most proud of was putting up decorative molding in my dining room.
How long have you been CD- Uhhh...building a stash lol
Level expirience with sewing/crafting- Sewing none lol, crafting- well I am pretty crafty, scrapbooking and other tidbits like that are my forte
Upcoming DIY project- I would LOVE to see a DIY prefold tutorial of some sort. I love extended tab prefolds so that be awesome to see as a DIY...but I bet you'd need a surger...I'd also like to see a cloth diaper repair tutorial of some sort.
DIY I've done/proud of- N/A
How long have you been CDing? since DS was about 5 or 6 weeks old
What's your level of experience with sewing/crafting? I'd say moderate. I am comfortable with sewing cotton for baby dresses, quilts, and curtains, but knits and fancy fabrics make me nervous. Like PP I also do not enjoy working with elastic very often. (I once spent about 3 hours trying to fish a piece of elastic through a sleeve b/c the safety pin I was using to thread it through the pocket came loose.)
What would you be most interested in seeing as the upcoming DIY challenges? I am super excited about the wet bag/pail liner project. I would also like to learn how to make basket liners. DS's changing table basket has a plain boring yawn beige liner that I would love to replace.
What DIY projects are you most proud of that you've done? I made the curtains for my classroom, lined and all, and they turned out super cute even though I had JUST enough fabric to get them the right length. I also made a dress, apron, and bonnet for a friend's daughter who joined some sort of Colonial Girls club.
How long have you been CDing? Since DD was a week old. We were in and out of the hospital a lot that first week and really didn't get settled at home until week two.
What's your level of experience with sewing/crafting? I'd say intermediate. I'm no seamstress, but I've made my own dresses and patterns before. I also had a work/study job in my college theatre's costume shop as a sticher. I like doing crafty things.
What would you be most interested in seeing as the upcoming DIY challenges? I like useful DIY projects, not just little nick-nacky things that lay around the house. Space is a premium in my house, so it has to have a purpose if I'm going to make it.
What DIY projects are you most proud of that you've done? The last few things I've made have all been baby related. Cloth wipes, art and decorations for the nursary, and a head band and barrette hanger.
BFP #2 11/3/10; BO at u/s 10w6d 12/16/10; Natural MC 1/7/11; D&C 4/21/11
BFP #3 10/27/11 Please stick, LO!! 2/6/12 It's a Girl! Alexis Grace born 6/29/12
BFP#4 4/27/14 Stick, stick, stick!! 8/11/14 It's a Boy! Evan Wesley born 1/8/15
"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow, that is patience." Let it Be (blog) ♥ My BFP Charts
This time I'm not leaving without you.
1] since my LO turn 3 months old.
2] I have experience on sewing for about 15 years,and crochet,for knitting a few months ago,{just because my hd teach me how to knit.]
3] anything is fine.
4] my cristmas tree, I decorated it with a lot of butteflies that I made,I have made my LO pants,a overall,I also made my own wet bags and a two small ones and one big.
Do share! I should have posted that it was ok to share pictures of the projects that make you proud
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Picture of the tunic!!!
For sure pic!!
I'll have to pull it out tomorrow and take a picture of it.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
How long have you been CDing? Off and on for my boys about a year each for them, and DD has been cloth diapered for years.
What's your level of experience with sewing/crafting? I'm good with diapers, depends on the crafts.
What would you be most interested in seeing as the upcoming DIY challenges? IDK something fun and not too hard. LOL.
What DIY projects are you most proud of that you've done? I've made my whole newborn stash and all the covers for my smalls as well and all my own pockets, travel diaper pad, also my recent bamboo rainy day diapers, So cute and SOFT! I'll be making a few more of those in a cupcake print and pink cotton velour. (:
How long have you been CDing? Since DD was 2 weeks old, so 13 months.
What's your level of experience with sewing/crafting? Basic/beginner, but keen to learn more.
What would you be most interested in seeing as the upcoming DIY challenges? Surprise me!
What DIY projects are you most proud of that you've done? I up cycled some plain onesies recently with fabric paint - I think they turned out pretty good!