Cloth Diapering

stripping ammonia advice

good morning! I'm in the middle of washing my dipes to strip them for the very first time. they smell awful, like pure ammonia, and it came out of nowhere. my plan is once they're clean, boil the inserts I have all pockets and AIOs, and then soak i have a frontloader everything in blue dawn dish soap, then to wash without detergent for two hot washes with extra rinses. does does that seem logical? how much dawn do I use? any other advice?

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Re: stripping ammonia advice

  • What detergent do you use normally?

    If it's not Tide powder, I would wash them in that instead of dealing with blue Dawn. 

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  • I already use tide ultra he powder! ive tried just rewashing too. i always do a cold rinse, hot wash with extra rinse. maybe I'm using too much, or not enough? I use to line 1 with city water.

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  • imageshana+chris:
    I already use tide ultra he powder! ive tried just rewashing too. i always do a cold rinse, hot wash with extra rinse. maybe I'm using too much, or not enough? I use to line 1 with city water.

    Hmm. Maybe instead of doing a cold rinse before the regular detergent wash, do a quick wash on hot to see if that rinses the 'ick' away any better. That's actually my wash routine since my washer doesn't have a rinse-only setting. I also have city water, an HE machine and use Tide HE.

    Also, is it every diaper or just a few?

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  • I'll give that a try! thank you! it's not every diaper, or even every insert. it's the liners that are being doubled up for nights. she goes almost 12 hours sometimes without waking up for a change!

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  • I think city water should be more soft than anything. is to line one for 15 or 20 diapers too much tide?

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  • imageshana+chris:
    I'll give that a try! thank you! it's not every diaper, or even every insert. it's the liners that are being doubled up for nights. she goes almost 12 hours sometimes without waking up for a change!

    If it's just your overnight diapers/inserts, try soaking those in hot water in the mornings before putting them in the pail/wetbag to help get the stink out. I think a couple of mamas on the board do that to combat ammonia.

    Also, my city water is normal (so neither hard nor soft). I use between the 1 and 2 line depending on the size of the diaper load - closer to 1 if I wash every other day, closer to the 2 if that gets extended. So, I think you're using the right amount, especially if your other diapers are fine.

    Good luck!


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  • thank you so much for all your help and advice :

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