How are you holding up? I've been thinking about you after you lost your mom. If I remember reading correctly, your MIL had upset you a bit. The holidays can be rough when a loved one passes, especially a parent. I'm struggling after losing my mom over two years ago, so if you want to vent to creepy internet strangers, there are a few of us who can listen read.
Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto: We welcome to you the board with open legs. Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess
Re: MrsNorry
Wow, thank you for checking in on me! I appreciate it. I'm actually really struggling. I was already dealing with PPA before my mom passed, and it seems to have been kicked into overdrive . I don't have insurance until January 1st, so I'm just trying to hang in there.
I am having a lot of issues feeling resentful towards my MIL though. If you remember, she had thrown a fit about not being in the delivery room, and said that either she should be allowed in or my mom be kept out. I decided I just wasn't comfortable with her there, so I didn't let my mom in either. Now I don't have that memory of my mom, and I'm struggling not to hold it against my MIL. It all just sucks. I wish we could skip the holidays this year, kwim?
Wow...that was long. Lol. But I do appreciate it. And you aren't creepy.
Thank you. I am certainly doing my best to hang in...hopefully the holidays pass without incident and I can manage.
Could you call now and schedule an appt ASAP after the 1st? I know appointments book up. Take care of yourself, get sleep, and try to eat well between now and then. I'm so sorry.
She's right. If you feel you need help now and don't want to wait for the 1st, your state's Human Services department should be able to refer you somewhere insurance won't be an issue. If not, your physician may have an idea where to send you.