We dropped Andrews bedtime bottle tonight (now he's completely off). It went OK, we just gave him a sippy with milk while he was watching Bubble Guppies before bed.
He didnt drink too much of it. Maybe 2 oz? Do you think thats OK? He drinks decent during the day.
It went surprisingly better than I thought.
How did you all make the transition?
Re: so we did it....
That seems fine, Lena doesn't drink too much at night either. Glad it went well!
We just went cold turkey and she could not have cared less. We got lucky!
We got really lucky too -- we dropped all bottles but the bedtime one at 12 months. He hung onto that last one until about 13 months. He drinks a lot less now that he drinks from sippys because he really only drinks milk with meals.
He definitely has increased his solids intake tho, so I think it's all good.