I live in Huntsville and I don't know anyone else who is pregnant. I also don't have many friends in general. This is my first pregnancy and was wondering if anyone else in the Huntsville area feels lonely in their pregnancy too.
Hi! Not in Huntsville, I'm in Mobile, but this is my first pregnancy too!! Looks like we are the only ones in our cities who are preggo and using this app and its forums. : how is your pregnancy going so far? How far along are you?
It's been okay. I've been queasy almost every day since 6 weeks. We are a little more than 8 weeks currently. That's awesome that you are so far along. Are you having a Boy or Girl?
I'm in madison and I grew up in limestone county. I don't feel lonely because i'm to tired to go out and mingle. But I can understand how you can feel loney. What doctor are you going to? I go to babies etc. i am 27 weeks.
I'm in Moulton! Kinda close lol, but I know how you feel! I don't have any really close girlfriends but I've gotten alot of advice from coworkers and girls in my sunday school class. I'm positive as LO grows up I'll make more mommy friends! I mostly hang with my hubs! Best of luck to you my dear!
Hi smackck, I also used to have Loncar but I am now changing to a different doctor, in my case she wasn't very natural unmedicated labor friendly. I am also having a boy and I am 27 weeks. Are you having your baby at Madison hospital? I took the tour and it was very nice!
I actually live in Decatur and this is my first also. We just moved here this summer and I am not working so I really don't have any connections either. I would love to meet more people like us too.
Hey all....
I actually used to live in Alabama.....my family still lives in the area so I visit the area occasionally....but if anyone would like to be friends and possibly meet up when I come to visit I would love to have a few more pregnant friends....I am 8 weeks pregnant now
Hi everyone not exactly from Huntsville actually live in Scottsboro but I will be delivering at Huntsville hospital I'm originally from Moulton and haven't lived in Scottsboro long there are a few women in my Sunday school class that are pregnant or have recently delivered but I'm not really close to any of them so I def understand the feeling alone!! My doctor is Gilliam at TN Valley ObGyn she was originally at Parkway since this is also my first child I'm a little nervous about talking to her about the possibility of unmedicated birth and not inducing I'm 23 weeks as of today and I plan to discuss things with her when I go in Tuesday but any incite on her practices would be great!! Also for any of you in Huntsville area A Nurturing Moment on memorial pkwy is great!! Went there for the first time today!!
Hi everyone! I live in Madison. I'm not pregnant, YET This is my partner and my first time TTC, I would love to get to know everyone around the area! Especially since this is like my first week on this site. Congrats to all of you hopefully it won't be long before I can join y'all in your ranks. Lol
I'm not pregnant yet but live in Madison. My first child was delivered my Dr. Belmont via c-section. But because of insurance changes we will need another doctor! Ugh! I hate this.
Re: Huntsville