Attachment Parenting

Anyone SP doing AP?

I posted yesterday and have done some research. This is right for me. I'm just curious if anyone out there is doing this as a SP and has any advice specific to that to lend?
Also, I live with my folks right now, but hopefully not too long after LO is born. My stepdad is very pro spanking. I'll admit I've even spanked my niece a few times, but am now realizing why we shouldn't. How do I have this conversation early on without looking like a hypocrite?
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Re: Anyone SP doing AP?

  • I would just say that you've been researching parenting styles and thinking hard about your plans for LO. Say firmly that you've decided that he/she will not be spanked, that you NOW think, despite your past actions, that it is never appropriate to hit a child, and that you will be glad to explain your discipline philosophy if they will listen politely, respect your decision, and not argue. If they don't respect you enough to hear and abide by your wishes, then they don't need to be with LO alone.

    You have time on your side too, since LO will not require any sort of discipline except redirection until about age 2...

    I think it is beautiful that you want to AP as a SP, and I wish you the very bet of luck!
  • You are allowed to change your mind on something and make mistakes. We all do. It doesn't make you a hypocrite. You can simply say you've done some research and decided to go in a different direction as a parent.

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