Attachment Parenting

Holiday Cheer, Holiday Reality, Coping with In Laws

So now that we are amidst the full blown holiday season complete with carbs, sales, and the big ?F? word. No, not that F word, the other one. Family. Having young children and infants in the home, or traveling is one thing, but I am interested how many of you struggle with the relationships between you and your families and in laws regarding what is okay for your children, and what crosses the line. Many of us are now experience the stress of having to visit family, and if you have young children, the stress is exponential. I was recently chatting with a mom who told me a story of how she had left her son a toddler to be babysat be his loving aunty. Upon returning to pick up her baby, she was greeted by her sister in tears, and her baby with a mouth full of glass, as she was desperately trying to pick out shards of christmas tree bobble glass he had bitten into out of his mouth. She ended the story with the fact that this Aunty will no longer babysit her kids. On that note, I would love to hear your stories of misfortune, disgust, and emergencies that are directly connected to family members caring, or interacting with your young children. How many of you have issues letting grandparents babysit? I find the prospect of my parents watching my son, quite fearful as my mother is on so many medications, and they are easily distracted, not watching the baby. They lack the motherly instinct, you know ?having eyes in the back of your head? and my toddler gets into everything. I find their attitude of confidence since they raised me, and my two brothers, and are health care professionals very not comforting at all. Please share your thoughts and stories. I need some holiday cheer, or at least a holiday reality check!

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Re: Holiday Cheer, Holiday Reality, Coping with In Laws

  • Maybe if you post this same thing yet another time, people will flock to your blog.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • What a sad, awful story. I really wish that I hadn't read your post.

    I love my family, and though we have our disagreements concerning some aspects of parenting, I am excited to see them and share the holidays and LO with them.
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