Two days ago I started having contractions and have not been feeling great overall. I'm 35 weeks pregnant and went to my appointment. I had 2 protein in my urine, headache and high bp. My ob had me do lab work along with a 24 hour urine test for preeclampsia. She put me on bed rest until we get results and said if I did have preeclampsia then they will induce. Anyone get induced at 36 weeks? I worry about my baby boy's lung development but I also know preeclampsia is nothing to mess with. Let me know any experiences you've had!
Re: Preeclampsia and Induction at 36 weeks
I had a C-section at 36 weeks exactly. We were in the NICU for 2 weeks. My daughter was 4 pounds 14 ounces. She was doing really well the first couple days but then had some issues keeping her body temp up and oxygen levels up. She was given very little oxygen to keep her levels up. We also had use a feeding tube for a little while as she didn't have the energy levels to make it through a whole bottle feeding on her own.
Once my daughter gained some weight she was able to keep her temperature up and bottle feed all of her feedings. At one point everything just clicked for her.
Some babies born at 36 weeks don't even have a NICU stay.
If you do have a NICU stay keep in mind it is only temporary and at 36 weeks you shouldn't have a very long stay. I kept having to remind myself that things could have been much worse. Take things one day at a time!
My Bio
36 weeks is a good milestone marker if you do have to be induced early. I hope everything will be fine for you and your LO!
DS1: Quinn - 10.22.10 and DS2: Cole - 01.18.13
Good luck.
My LO was a late-term preemie, born at 36w1d. She was 5lb2oz at birth and did not need any NICU stay. She did need to pass a carseat test before discharge, but aside from that, and extra weight/bilirubin checks, she was like any other newborn, just tiny.
Good luck to you and your LO!
I agree, mentally prepare to deliver but don't worry! I delivered at 31 weeks due to preclampsia. My trio is on great health! Like pp said, at 36 weeks lung development should be fine. My guys spent 26 days in the NICU but mostly as feeders and growers. We had two days on billi lightsthat was about it. I was terrified of course to deliver. But you are right. Preclampsia is nothing to mess with! PsI didn't have to have the nasty magnesium sulfate
I was induced at 36 weeks with pre-e and ended up with an emergency c-section due to a placental abruption (not trying to scare you at all- my ob thinks it was a freak occurrence). My LO was 4 lbs 1 oz, but did not need any NICU time. Like pp said, mine was completely healthy, just small and needed extra weight and bilirubin tests. You and baby will me fine, try not to stress!
good luck!!
2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014
May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
I delivered my DS at 35 weeks 6 days. he was a planned c for 39 weeks but I developed pre-e. it likely started the week before, but I wasn't spilling protein so doctors just monitored my BP. I was already getting weekly NST and bio-physicals due to a pre-existing heart condition I had. Well, at the 35 week 4 day mark I was sent home from a check at L&D with 24 hour urine test and on bed rest. Told to come back 2 days later with possibility of delivering. Came in that day 35 weeks 6 days and 24 hour urine showed me spilling protein but not enough for pre-e diagnosis. However, BP was elevated and my blood labs were "horrific" as my OB said! An hour later I was delivering DS.
He was 6 pounds 7 ounces at birth and admitted to NICU with an apgar of 8/9. He was "grunting" when breathing--drs called it "wet lungs." He was on cpap for breathing for 3 days. On day 4 he was on room air nasal cannula. Later in the day on day 4 all breathing help, oxygen, and IV sugar water were discontinued and we were finally able to hold him and start bottle feeding him. His young gestational age made him a difficult eater---he didn't have that suck reflex, but by day 6 he was finally getting the hang of it. He also needed billi lights. His total NICU stay was 8 days.
It was hard to see him hooked up to wires and monitors and so hard to not be able to hold him those first 4 days, but he was in good hands.
He is now 7 weeks and doing great! He's about 12 pounds and other than reflux, is progressing great--- hitting milestones expected.
Go in mentally prepared to deliver and prepared for possibility of short NICU busy, but hopefully at 36 weeks, your LO will be like most z36 weekers and do great and not need NICU time at all!
Good luck!