Someone tell me to stop worrying. I just drove DH to the ER at 5:30 this morning. He had chest pain and his heart was racing. We were on the fence about taking him, but figured better safe than sorry.
At the time I just wanted to sleep and was a bit grumpy. Now I'm waiting to hear from him and I'm worried and feeling bad I wasn't more supportive this morning. Maybe DD and I should have stayed with him. We were just thinking that she wouldn't sit still in a waiting room for multiple hours.
He's been taking Sudafed, Allegra, and something else. Maybe not all at once. I have to wonder if that's the problem. During the day he drinks tons of coffee and in the evening he has 3 to 5 alcoholic drinks. How bad is that? We're both pretty stressed.
Thanks for reading my ramble.
Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
Re: DH is in the ER update
Thanks! That's what I'm thinking too. He desperately needs a vacation, but who doesn't this time of the year?
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
Did it just go away after he stopped taking the meds or did he switch to decaf? It's a catch 22 because he needs to concentrate at work, so he needs coffee, but he's got some sinus issue and allergies. Oh, he's taking Nasonex too. If we slept better it would be another story. He has a bit of insomnia and DD gets up about 3 times a night.
Yeah, I know. I actually just talked to him about selfmedicating last night. He took it as a personal attack, but I love him and I'm concerned. He needs other ways to relieve stress.
Aw, did he have any other symptoms? You must be going crazy waiting to hear back. I would say the combination of meds could do it. I wouldn't recommend mixing a depressant (alcohol) with a stimulant (sudafed). And with all of the coffee and alcohol maybe he's dehydrated! You have to drink a lot of fluids to keep up with both of those and moderate to severe dehydration can throw off your heart rhythm. Does he have a history of high blood pressure?
I hope you hear soon!
He drinks a ton of water and doesn't have high blood pressure. With any meds, there are side effects. Maybe it could be just stress. I was thinking a panic attack, but at 5am?
I have also tried telling him alcohol messes with sleep patterns. He says he needs it to pass out. Not good at all! But I can't force him to do anything he doesn't want to. Sigh!
About DD's sleep, I do need to sleep train again. I started again by pushing nursing sessions farther apart. Weaning has been awful. She screams something fierce. I was just nursing her because DH said he couldn't take the crying, but she's too old to be nursing 3 times a night. He can hear her through ear plugs and then can't fall back to sleep.
As I'm typing all this I realize there are so many issues to deal with. We'll take everything one step at a time.
*hugs* I think there is reason to be concerned. As many as 5 drinks a night is a lot, especially if he thinks he needs it to fall asleep. I'm sorry he's not getting quality sleep but neither are you or your daughter if she's waking 3x a night to nurse so he is going to have to deal with it for a little while you sleep train.
Thank you, ladies!
Edit to add he just went out for McDonald's with his parents while I'm waiting in the car for DD to wake up. I am livid. I can't believe that they would go clog his arteries after just coming out of the ER. Gaaaahhh!
I need to go take a chill pill. I am quite sure of this. Maybe I need to start drinking too. Joking, but only partly.
glad to hear this! Good luck finding some permanent solutions to sleep and stress issues.
I hope your H is okay. You're kiddo is 15 months and shouldn't be waking 3 times a night. For all of your sake, you need to start some sleep training. GL!