So out of the blue one day (and of course when it is freezing outside) DS has decided at our house (and so far only our house), he will not wear clothes. I would be fine with this IF it was 90 outside, but it's currently 30 outside and just getting him to wear just a long sleeve shirt was a battle. He's wearing the shirt... for now. What stumps me is when he sleeps at his grandparents houses this is not a problem. They claim he loves wearing his PJ's in fact he can't wait to wear them.
Not sure if anyone has any advice, or if this is (God I'm hoping) just a phase. We have tired the threat to take a toy away (which we have, which doesn't work) tired the "look daddy wears PJ's just like you" (didn't work). Check him for a fever thinking maybe he's not wearing clothes because he's hot which nope, temperature is normal.
Re: DS will not wear clothes at home
How old is he? Is it just that he won't wear PJs? Can you get him to wear regular clothes at home?
Apparently as of right now, unless he's going outside, what's the point of wearing clothes
He just turned three but this started around October
Maybe he just feels hot?