Baby Showers

I am here now.

I am now here. There will be no rest. There is nowhere to run; it's pointless to hide. The grammar police have arrived.



Re: I am here now.

  • I lik wen they are so fed up with somthin, they are "threw" with it....lolz... Com on guise!!!

    Adults that can't spell. Imagine the editing work these people will be helping their children with:

    parent: "no honey, it's not 'we went through the woods', it's 'we went threw the woods.' "

    kid: *WTF*

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • You're = "You are."

    Your = Possessive

    They're = "They are."

    Their = possessive

    There = that place

    Why is this such a difficult concept?


    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Loading the player...
  • Chief, where are you! You are needed in "Book/Diaper raffle"! See:


    Well the book idea was a suprise to me by my shower host and at first I thought it was alot to ask but then when I received the books and people wrote heartfelt sentiments in them. I thought it was a great idea and I am not one to keep cards unless they are from certain people or they have something nice wrote in them that is worth keeping so the books were perfect for me. Everyone should just do whats best for them.

    After all, who doesn't like a card with something nice wrote in it? Not alot of people!

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  • In addition to the pp, a lot is 2 words. It always has been and it always will be. 


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