
old skool pole

Is returning an outfit (no defects fits great) after it has been worn stealing?



Maybe So

Re: old skool pole

  • Did you use the bathroom wearing it? Poo air can't be cleaned. 

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  • It may be fraud but it is not theft.


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  • imageEllaHella:

    I can't answer this.  I am too busy with my own inner struggle. 

    Scenario- you need a tampon and use the machine in the bathroom at work.  Half the time it doesn't work and eats your quarters.  But this time...Christmas gives you 3 tampons and your quarter is returned. 

    What do you do? 

    ftr- I kept the quarters and the 3 tampons. 

    I consider it payback for all the quarters it has stolen from me and I go on about my way.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • It's not something I would do, but I don't consider it theft.
    "To me, you are perfect."

  • Stealing? No.

    Gross and tacky? Yes.

  • imageEllaHella:
    I assume we are referring to the Santa outfit that was returned?

    I'm thinking so. I guess I see that as different. Putting them on for a quick photo and actually wearing them to an event are different to me.

    image image
  • more important question.

    Why is your name clicky master but didn' make your poll clicky?



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