Special Needs

So happy my DD is finally getting services!

We have known since DD was 2 she had autism. Fast forward a year we got a dx, then 6 months and finally services! Here in Canada things work a little different (and slower from what I hear). Today we had the meeting with her team and she starts preschool in January. We couldn't enroll her in preschool prior as no school would take her without being potty trained.

Now she will have a SNA (special needs assistant) with her at preschool, a speech pathologist, psychologist and OT. She will also be getting services at home. I am so excited! We have been doing our version of floortime with her but I am pyched to have certified teachers, therapists working with her now.

I was scared she would fall through the cracks. Now we can enjoy Christmas and look forward to the next step. No point to this but I am excited lol!

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