Baby Names

Opinions on girl name

Even though I strongly feel like I am having another boy, the only name hubby and I could both decide on was a girl name: Charlotte Ryan

 (I love 'boy' names for girls, and I also like 'unique'/ less used names)

I told my friends and family, so far the responses have been mixed between 'Eh...', LOVE it, and one friend truly hates it. I mean, she even told me she hated it. I would think she would really  hate it to actually tell me that! I still love it, and still want to go with it, but I am just curious on other opinions outside of my circle!

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Re: Opinions on girl name

  • I love Charlotte, but not a fan of Ryan since it's a boy's name.  I'm okay with it in the mn spot though.

    If you're looking for less used names, I will warn you that Charlotte is a pretty popular name.

    Other suggestions:  Carys, Mallory, Maren, Camille

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  • I'm probably biased because my mother almost named me Ryan (she would have spelled it Ryanne)... And I knew an awesome girl named Ryan. But I like it.

     My childhood friend's sister's name was Charlotte and we called her Charlie. Love it too. :)

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  • Love ryan on a girl!!!

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  • I think that Charlotte is a beautiful choice, but it doesn't flow well with Ryan. I feel like such a feminine FN deserves a more feminine MN.

    FN Suggestions...

    Charlotte (Again, it's a beautiful name!)



    MN Suggestions...

    Charlotte Faith

    Charlotte Jade

    Charlotte Mae

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    *Taking a break*  

  • I don't really like boy names on girls (like Ryan) but in the middle name spot, with an appropriate feminine first name, like Charlotte, I'd say that it is fine. Sorry your friend hates it but if you and your hubby love it then don't be swayed- go for it. 
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  • I like Charlotte.
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  • imagekayjay10:

    I love Charlotte, but not a fan of Ryan since it's a boy's name.  I'm okay with it in the mn spot though.

    If you're looking for less used names, I will warn you that Charlotte is a pretty popular name.

    Other suggestions:  Carys, Mallory, Maren, Camille


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  • imagekayjay10:

    I love Charlotte, but not a fan of Ryan since it's a boy's name.  I'm okay with it in the mn spot though.

    If you're looking for less used names, I will warn you that Charlotte is a pretty popular name.

    Other suggestions:  Carys, Mallory, Maren, Camille

    This exactly.  

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    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
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    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • Don't let your friend sway you, if you have a name you love go for it!
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  • It's okay. I love Charlotte, but don't like the name Ryan for a girl (I just can't get on board even though a few people have mentioned it on this board).
  • imagestarshineamator:
    I don't really like boy names on girls (like Ryan) but in the middle name spot, with an appropriate feminine first name, like Charlotte, I'd say that it is fine. Sorry your friend hates it but if you and your hubby love it then don't be swayed- go for it. 


  • I am so over Charlotte it's not even funny. If you want a name that isn't super popular I would suggest not using it. Ryan I don't mind on a girl personally but it isn't my favorite.
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  • Love Charlotte. Hate Ryan.

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  • I love Charlotte and the two nicknames I associate with it - Charlie and Lottie.  
    Natural m/c 8/31/12 at 11 wks BFP #2 - Due August 16!
  • I absolutely love the name!! I think it's perfect! 

     BUT -- I also think Charlotte is pretty trendy/common right now... I know that was a big thing for us when we were choosing a name... we wanted something a little unique and ended up shying away from a lot of names that we felt were unique and uncommon because growing up they were -- but when you look at the names nowdays -- Charlotte is like the new "Jessica". :/

     Despite that - I do love the name!!!  

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  • I love Charlotte.  I don't like boys' names on girls, but in the middle name spot I feel like it's a free-for-all, so I think it works really well.
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  • Love it but would also suggest Charlotte Rian. I knew a girl whose first name was Rian and it was well received!
  • I hate boy names being used for girls. But Charlotte is a great name
  • Love Charlotte, but it is very popular right now.  And I hate boy's names on girls, so I don't like Ryan.  Is Ryan your H's name?  Or a family name?  Because if it's just a random 'but I like boy names,' I don't really get it.  It feels forced. If it has a family connection, I don't mind it as much.
    baby boy: 3.19.2014
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