
Nervous about Synagis

Hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind that I'm posting on your board, but I felt it was probably the most relevant for a Synagis concern. LO wasn't a preemie but was born with congenital heart defects. He has since had surgery but there are still some residual issues so he has been approved for Synagis and we are going for the first round tomorrow. The pedi said it is as safe as a vaccine, but I am still nervous about some kind of reaction. Did your LO have any kind of reaction or changes afterward? For those of you who have already had a second or third round, did LO have a different reaction for the later injections? I know the benefits outweigh the risks of a potentially devastating RSV infection, but I'm still nervous. Thank you in advance.

Re: Nervous about Synagis

  • DD never had a reaction, except for some slight tenderness in her leg for a little while after that. In comparison, she did have a feverish reaction to other immunizations.
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  • DD has only had one round of Synagis so far, but she had no reaction to it whatsoever. She was unhappy with getting the injection for maybe 30 seconds of course, but after that she had no problem whatsoever. No tenderness or anything.
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  • Never had any reaction. Synagis isn't actually a vaccine, it's antibodies. That is why our doctor told us that there is not usually a reaction. 
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  • We didn't have any reaction or problems at all with it.
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  • DD didn't have any reaction, she was unhappy about being stuck with a needle, but that was literally the only reaction of any kind. She has more of a reaction to normal vaccines then she did synagis, we get round 2 this month so I'm expecting the same thing.
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  • DS had two rounds so far. Cried immediately after the shot for a few seconds until I picked him up but then he was fine. Apparently the needle is larger than other shots so it hurts a bit more but no reactions afterward. Best of luck!

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  • We've had 2 shots so far and no reactions. LO hates it more than most shots - it takes a little longer to calm him down after this than regular vaccines. But the nurse said the Synagis is thicker (more viscous) than regular shots.
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  • Thanks everyone! He had it today and so far is doing well. Just cried for a bit when she did it but then calmed after I picked him up and nursed him. He was much fussier after his 2 month vaccines than for this.
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