Late Term and Child Loss

thebump help - I'm full of questions today

How do I get the bump to not have my due date and things about "how big is baby"

They arent really making this very user friendly for me!

Lilypie - (5WpR)
Me(26)PCOS, Hypothyroidism & Incompetent Cervix  DH(28)Azoospermia
4/11 Off BCPs -- Cycle 1-3 (6months) - No ovulation, Provera
Cycle 4-6 - Provera, Clomid 50mg, CD23BW - All BFN (HSG-all clear)
Dec 2011 DH S/A shows zero count - dx Azoo
TESE 4/13/12 - Sperm found!! 5 viles frozen
IVF ICSI #1- (Lupron protocol) 5R 2F 2dt- 2DP & 4CF - BFFN
IVF ICSI #2-  (Antagonist protocol) Started stims 7/26
ER 8/8 11R 9F 3dt - 9BF & 7BF (+HPT 8dp3dt)TWINS! EDD 5/1/13
<312/9 Joshua David and Zoe Faith born too early at 19w4d due to incompetent cervix <3
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  LAP Transabdominal Cerclage - 4/15/13 only possibility of carrying my children to term 
IVF#3 - June 2013 -  canceled.
IVF ICSI #3.2- (Antagonist Protocol) 7/26 start stims (same day, a year later from J & Z's stim start date!)
 ER 8/7 19R 9F 3dt of 2- 8BF embryos. (+HPT 7dp3dt) Beta #1 - 82.8 Beta #2 - 821 Beta #3 - 7254
9/11/13 - U/S shows 1 baby HR 135bpm! EDD: 4/30/13
It's a BOY!!
2/9/14 - DX Gestational Diabetes
C-section scheduled for 4/7/14 (36w5d)
Colin Joseph - 1:07pm 6lbs 14oz - 8 days in the NICU
Everyone Welcome!

Re: thebump help - I'm full of questions today

  • I haven't tried to figure it out, but every week I get an update on how my son would be doing at 8 weeks old, 9 weeks old... DELETE!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I haven't figured it out either.:( I made it get delievered to spam in my email so I don't have to look at them anymore.

    Jillian Rose- born 8/26/12 at 24 weeks. "It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for a part of me went with you, the day God took you home"
    I love you always, my beautiful girl.

    Hysteroscopy 3/1/13 Dx: Unicornuate uterus

    || <a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >Ovulation TrackeMy Ovulation Chart

    BFP 3/18/13- Please be our Rainbow, we love you so much already.

    6/4/13-Found out we're having a BOY!!

    10/30/13-He's here!! Happy Birthday, Ryan! We love you so much! xo

    Lilypie - (Bfmg)


  • Loading the player...
  • I am always onmy phone do I can't see anything. It is wonderful for now.
  • You have to go to the MyBump tab and take the pregnancy out of your profile.  You're right it is not user friendly at all and I remember having some choice words for TB when trying to figure it out.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP#1 - 11/27/09 EDD 8/5/10, DS1 arrived 7/24/10 via emergency c-section.

    BFP#2 - 6/18/12 EDD 2/23/13, sweet baby girl born sleeping on 10/4/12 at 19 weeks, 3 days.

    BFP #3 - 1/18/13 EDD 10/1/13, natural mc on 2/2/13 at 5 weeks, 4 days.

    BFP #4 - 8/29/13 EDD 5/12/14, our sweet rainbow, DS2 born 4/29/14 via c-section

  • I unsubscribed from my emails by going to the email so I wouldn't get reminders of growth anymore..
    I'm not sure how to remove pregnancy from profile
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