
Worth a trip to pedi?

My little one has had basically just runny nose and mucousy cough for a few days. We are doing a humidifier at night hoping that she will cough up what's brewing in there but she is (sorry gross) swallowing what she does choke up. Other than this, she is acting like herself. Eating, playing, etc. Aside from the fact that we took away dairy to reduce mucous, everything is the same. At night she runs a slight temp of about 99.5 but is normal by morning. Think it's just a slow burn and she's fighting it off or is this going to be one of those, needs an antibiotic illnesses. WWPD?

Sorry for a lame post about an actual parenting related question. Of course Dh thinks she is doing ok. My mom says wait it out. They have a way of making me feel like I'm overreacting to everything. 

Oh, and she is 5 so I'm not giving her any meds aside from some Motrin when she feels yucky at bedtime. 

Re: Worth a trip to pedi?

  • I'd probably wait it out. If she has no fever it is probably just something that needs to run its course. If the cough doesn't get better in another day or two, or gets worse, then maybe I'd have it checked out.
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  • DS takes Children's Zyrtec and Mucex cough. The Z dries it all up and Mucex helps anything left drain out. If that makes sense. Your DD is old enough for both. DS usually feels bette in a couple of days.
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  • No, definitely not antibiotic worthy. You should only use antibiotics sparingly--if you use them anytime she's a little sick like this you're going to destroy her immune system. Her body will likely fight it and she'll be healthier in the long run for it.

    I would only go to the pedi if the cough starts sounding really nasty/she starts running a high fever.

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  • I'd let her try and fight it off on her own before introducing an antibiotic. Chances are it's viral anyway, which an antibiotic would be useless for. If her temp is only slightly elevated at night and she seems to be her normal self for the most part, it's probably not Dr visit worthy.

    That being said, I don't think you're overreacting. Hope she feels better soon!

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  • Not worth a trip to the pedi.  Definitely NOT an antibiotic candidate either.  Your DH & mom are right - wait it out.  You are overreacting to a little case of the sniffles.
  • I'd wait it out.  I'd only really worry about a lingering cough that doesn't go away after several days,
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