Cloth Diapering

I want to be prepared.

Baby will be here in May and I want to do cloth diapering. Basically, everyone has no faith in me and say I will give up in a week or two. Ugh! I want to be prepared and do it the cheapest way. I know every baby/personal preferences are different. I just want a basic break down on what I will need to start out with and through the months. 


...also, the baby will be coming to work with me!! So, I also will need something that will be convenient for work. 

 If you can, please give me specific details on brands too.


April 29, 2013
8 pound 4 ounces
20 1/2"

DX: 2001 Severe Endometriosis 
5/2006: BFP 5/2006: M/C
10/2008: TTC W/Severe Endo
1/2010: 6 cycles with Clomid=all BFN
9/5/2012: BFP

Re: I want to be prepared.

  • go to and click on new to cloth. My baby is due in May too and I am learning all the terms and lingo. also youtube cloth diapering 101

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  • imagemissbrittneynicole:

    Baby will be here in May and I want to do cloth diapering. Basically, everyone has no faith in me and say I will give up in a week or two. Ugh! I want to be prepared and do it the cheapest way. I know every baby/personal preferences are different. I just want a basic break down on what I will need to start out with and through the months. 


    ...also, the baby will be coming to work with me!! So, I also will need something that will be convenient for work. 

     If you can, please give me specific details on brands too.

    As PP stated, look on youtube.  Everyone has different preferences on CD's and its hard to ask someone what they would recommend.  Kellyscloset really helped me figure it all out. I had to literally write out diaper types and kinda explain them to myself before I started to understand them.  Also, lurk here, read posts, etc.  I learned SO much from doing that!

    When I first started CDing, I got the "Oh, thats...interesting." My family has always called me a hippie and just kinda went with it.  Once I visited home and they all saw what I meant by CDing, they were SO interested and many said they wish they had CD'ed also! So just hang in there. There are so many stories on this board of reluctant families becoming CD lovers.  You CAN do it!!

    As for the cheapest way, I think almost everyone on this board would agree that prefolds or flats, a cover, and Snappi is the best combo. Not only is it easy to use and wash, they rarely have build up issues from what I'm told.

    GL and ask any questions you have here.  Everyone's so helpful! 

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  • I also used kellyscloset to figure things out.

    I suggest trying a few kinds out before committing to an entire package of one kind. Everyone has their preferences.
    I think prefolds and covers are the cheapest route but to me, pockets are the most convenient.
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  • Just a word of encouragement...I have been in your shoes! A lot of my coworkers didn't think I would stick with cloth diapers, but I am so proud to have proven them wrong! DH's coworkers also thought it was strange. He was constantly coming home saying, "So and So says CDs are stinky," or, "They say we're going to have lots of leaks," blah, blah, blah. Most of them haven't seen much less tried to use modern day CDs, so they don't know how great they can be.


  • I got the side eye from everyone, but once DS was born and we started, my Mom and MIL were so into them!

    I used pockets for DS. Super easy! I bought all bumgenuis OS and never had any problems. For #2 I'm branching out into fitteds/covers, and Kawaii to add to my stash. I don't think I have the patience to try out different folds for prefolds or flats...but I have never tried, so I really don't know. I figured fitteds were somewhere in the middle of the price scale, and after CD for 3 years and seeing that its really not a big deal, I am feeling brave. 

    As a side note, I saw my first diaper rash EVER while babysitting my niece today. Poor thing!! :-(  

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  • Just to chime in with everyone that says to try prefolds and covers - if you do go that route, has seconds they sell super cheap.  I got 3 dozen newborn size prefolds for $45, plus shipping!
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  • Find your local cloth diaper store if you have one and see if they offer a class.  We had one that was 40 min away but well worth the class.  Helped to see and touch the different types.
  • We are new to this too and decided to go with prefolds and covers but also bought some grovia all in 2's.  I figure for day care they will be ideal but the covers can be used with the prefolds so they serve two purposes.  FYI:  EBAY!  do your research on diaper websites like or on prices for everything and then shop ebay!  Some sites will have big sales, some offer used.   But ebay has been invaluable as far as deals.  Look for 2 or 3 packs up for grabs.  I have found brand new diapers in bundles for cheaper than store bought.   Someone posted to try different kinds and I have to agree.  I bought a few pockets and two lil joey newborn all in ones just to "try".  The giggling green bean is a store in our town but their website is VERY educational
  • For cheap and easy with newborns Kawaii Pure & Natural pockets are a great option. And unlike other 'newborn' diapers they will fit and be absorbent enough for your LO long past the newborn stage. I think they are the most underrated diaper out there and am sad that I wasn't able to have more of them in my stash (Kawaii was transitioning to an improved design right when DD was born so they were out of stock everywhere!).

    For cheaper and less easy there are prefolds and covers. I love PFs now (so easy to launder), but didn't so much when DD was a newborn.

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