Food Allergy

similac Alimentum ready to feed.

Due to milk protein sensitivity I quiet breast feeding and started on Alimentum. for some weird reason he is way less fussy on the ready to feed vs. powder. Any one else experience this?  

 I think has the best deal on formula that I have found but was wondering if anyone else had advice on how to save on this formula. I have already checked with my insurance and they will not cover it:(


TIA for any advice! 

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Re: similac Alimentum ready to feed.

  • We used Alimentum for a little bit. My LO still couldnt handle it and had blood in stool. So we switched to Elecare. I had to fight... ALOT but my insurance is covering it. Through the process I found out that many states have NEW state statutes that REQUIRE insurance companies to cover food that is medically necessary. Check your state laws!! And ask your insurance company if you can get it in-network somewhere. They have medical supply places that carry special formula. Not sure if they have Alimentum though. Worth asking.  And I would keep an eye on the Alimentum. If it is not working you may need to switch again. For some the Alimentum is broken down enough. Sign up for Similac coupons if you already havent. They should work with Alimentum. Also you can contact the company and say you are having trouble getting it covered. Sometimes they will send you extra coupons or samples. They might also have more info on getting it covered! GL!! :)
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