Left handedness (probably not a word, but suck it grammar police) is on both sides of the family. DH is convinced that DS is going to be left handed. I think he shows a preference but it is way too early to tell.
At what age can you detect what hand a child will use? I know most kids are ambidextrous early on but my son is three next week and strongly favors his left hand now. I'm not too sure if he's still too young to say he'll be left handed for sure.
DS2 was obviously and strongly left handed from a very early age....18 months or so perhaps. He throws with his left, eats with his left, kicks with his left.
DS1 has only shown hand dominance for fine motor skills this year - 5. He is a righty for throwing. Haven't gotten him up on waterskis yet to see which leg is dominant.
ETA: DS1 bats right handed, but swings a golf club and a hockey stick left, he kicks (for soccer) left and right fairly equally
promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
Re: odd factoid
Huh...are you or their dad?
I am 95% my DD is left handed.
Dad is a southpaw.
I also ended up with one blue eyed kid which according to this predictor, was a 5.4% chance of occurring.
Maybe I wore my tin foil hat too much in the first tri.
At what age was it clear they were left handed?
Jeez, what are you doing wrong?
DS2 was obviously and strongly left handed from a very early age....18 months or so perhaps. He throws with his left, eats with his left, kicks with his left.
DS1 has only shown hand dominance for fine motor skills this year - 5. He is a righty for throwing. Haven't gotten him up on waterskis yet to see which leg is dominant.
ETA: DS1 bats right handed, but swings a golf club and a hockey stick left, he kicks (for soccer) left and right fairly equally
I'm left handed and so are my twins. I kinda hope Oliver is too.
ETA: We all write and eat left handed, but do a lot of other things (throwing a ball) right handed. Talent. We haz it.
And my new favorite, Jason Bateman.