Yea, I had a motive to come here. I had a tubal ligation a couple weeks ago. I have no regrets about, glad it's done, but when you know you're done, it leaves you with some feelings. I feel like I wish I could talk about these things to my friends, but I don't bring it up because I feel really judged by them for not "making" my husband get a visectomy. Any thoughts, comments, or similar situation?
Re: feeling judged
Why would someone judge you for that? Weird.
I have had several girlfriends get the job done with their last c-section.
LOL. If there's one key aspect to a healthy marriage, it's unilateral control by one party.
Just talk to your girlfriends in general terms about feeling kinda bummed that you are done having kids, and how it's a little sad every time the youngest passes a milestone and you know it will be the last time you go through that.
Personally I would rather my husband be the one to get a procedure. HOWEVER that is what works for our family. I don't think I would judge anyone for what works best for them.
AND wouldn't "real" friends be supportive of whatever you guys decided. Plus, there are MUCH better things to get judge-y about. lol.
My husband refuses to get a vasectomy (sp?) and I am done after this child. I knew going into our marriage that he would not get one ever. He did promise to read about it and know facts but that did not change his mind. He said he is fine with condoms....but I am not.
I will be getting the procedure done and I have no shame. I won't give two fricks what my friends say, if they know.
You did what was best for your family.
Wow, your friends don't sound like they are very nice. I sure wouldn't want to be one of their husbands. You should never feel bad for a decision that you and your husband made together. If your friends are going to judge you for it, then they aren't your friends.