Baby Names

Need your thoughts! Clicky Poll girls list

We clearly like names that end in -a (Italian last name).  The middle name choices are interchangeable but it will likely be one of those (all middle names are family names except Sofia).  We're not worried about popularity...just that we love the name.  DS is Luca Francesco. Thanks![Poll]
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Re: Need your thoughts! Clicky Poll girls list

  • I voted for Sofia Hazel by defalt.

    I love Vivian but, Viviana is too much I think.

    Livia does not sound complete and she will be mistaken for an Olivia all the time.

    I do not like Ellia at all. I do like Elle.

  • I voted for Viviana; I like Livia too, but unfortunately agree that it's awfully similar to Olivia, even though the roots are different.

    I freakin' love Luca Francesco. 

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  • I love Viviana especially with Luca.  It's a long name but you could call her Viv or Vivi for short.
  • imagecaramia582:
    I love Viviana especially with Luca.  It's a long name but you could call her Viv or Vivi for short.

    Definitely.  Calling her Vivi is a big appeal of the name. 

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  • I really love Livia. I know it would be confused for Olivia, but it's still lovely. I would be a little worried about matchiness w/ Luca and Livia, though.
  • imageplunderb:
    I really love Livia. I know it would be confused for Olivia, but it's still lovely. I would be a little worried about matchiness w/ Luca and Livia, though.

    Yeah, my DH isn't crazy about both kids names starting with the same letter. 

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  • I can't vote on my phone, but I like Sophia Hazel.

    Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)

    Baby Sam 10/4/2013, 36 weeks 2 days, 5 lbs 14 oz


  • I voted for Viviana Marie, but prefer Hazel as the MN. My second choice would be Sofia Hazel.
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