So our LOs will be a year in a couple months. I'm not sure how that's at all possible, but apparently it's true. Anyway, we're very much against having everyone at our house, because we have a relatively large family and many people don't watch their children and I'm not interested in my house being torn up.
I posted on my local board about this, and didn't really get that great of a response, so I thought I would ask other MoMs. Did you have a 1st b-day party somewhere that was awesome? We looked at this local little gym, but it's like $300/90 mins which seems like a rip off. We're also considering a pool, but that too is kind of expensive.
The whole thing seems so stressful. Your thoughts are appreciated!
Re: 1st Birthday Party
We have two cats and apparently everyone on my H's side is allergic to cats all of a sudden.
So, for the babies second birthday we decided to do a Saturday lunch at a local gourmet pizza place.
It was H's side all came. We had great salad, pizza, ice cream and cake. We were done in an hour and half with everything and nothing the clean up.
It was such a success, I really think we'll do it again for their third birthday.
By four years, most are having the friend party thing here so, I'm enjoying the easy while I can.