
Christmas presents from kids

When did/will your kids start giving gifts to others (either that you actually pick out and wrap and label as being "from LO" or that they pick out themselves)? Just curious. I've thought about getting something "from" DD for her grandparents (she's 11 months), but kind of don't want to mess with it.


Re: Christmas presents from kids

  • We have since he was a baby. This year it's just framed pics for the grandparents, aunt/uncles, and DH. When he's older they usually do "shopping" at school where I send him with money to buy cheap stuff, or I'll take him to the dollar store and let him pick out stuff for people (or make something).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Always. The boys will give each other a gift this year and they are giving DH a gift. We don't give gifts to adults in our family so they won't give the grandparents a gift.

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

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