When I do a RTIF, LO wriggle and straightens her legs so that ultimate the pocket, under her bottom, slips up her back. This happens when I stand too still for too long and she's gotten bored.
I feel like I have a good pouch when I'm wrapping and her knees up high, but I'm not saying my wrapping is perfect. DD1 was never wriggly like this, so it's possibly I got into some lazy habits.
Just wondering if her doing this is a matter of me needing to wrap better, or if it's a matter of me having a wriggly babe that I need to do a different carry with.
Would a reinforced ruck be better? Any other quick easy carries to try?
Thoughts? Thanks
Re: LO wriggling out of a RTIF, advice for wrapping better?
Do you do this before getting LO up on your back, if so what method do you use for getting LO up on your back? Can't quite picture how I'd get it tucked into her pants whilst already on my back. I've been using the superman toss (not sure if that's what it's called, but like you're putting a cape on) to get her on my back.
Thanks for the Jordan's back carry suggested. I think I've come across it before but never tried it.
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
My guess is you just need to try a different carry - ruck isn't so great for leg straighteners. Eleanor has been a champion leg straightener/wiggler/back archer - while I can ruck her and have never actually had her bum pop even when her legs are pretty close to straight, it still isn't comfortable so I just haven't done it (until recently when she's changed her ways
Jordan's back carry and secure high back carry are good. I found the tied at the shoulder version of double hammock was much better than the regular version. Basically something that involves both a cross pass and a rebozo pass worked better
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