I'm sad. LO has slept next to me in her mini crib/bassinet since birth. Lately, she's been getting up at 4:30am wanting to eat and won't let me rock her back to sleep. So, eventually I give up and put her in her big crib in her room with the soother on. Then I go back to sleep in the recliner in the living room. Our room is too far away to hear her and to move the monitor is a pain. The last two days she's fallen asleep in there after the soother has turned off. I'm so sad. She's also really hard for me to put down for naps and night because she fights me. She won't let me rock her very easily anymore. Noooo! I want to keep rocking her and sleeping in the same room. I know she's growing out of the mini crib and I'll have to mover her soon but I don't want to. Dh goes out of town a lot and I love having her right next to the bed. Everyone keeps telling me to stop rocking her and put her in the big crib but I love rocking and seeing her right next to me.
My little baby is growing up... So sad.
Re: The End of Corooming
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
so are you feeding her when she wakes, or just rocking to sleep? just curious! maybe her appetite is growing, and she needs a little extra now, perhaps that is why she won't go back to sleep.
I'm feeding when she wakes. She only wakes up once and her little belly is grumbling. I only feed 5oz at a time because when I feed more her belly sloshes and that can't be comfortable. When she wakes and won't let me rock her, she's up and ready for a party.