Baby Names

Opinions on using the name Milo for a girl?

I am 31 weeks and still haven't picked a name for my baby girl!  My husband and I can't agree on anything.  I like unisex names like Aspen.  He likes Maddox, but we can't agree!!  Any suggestions?  Would Milo be cute for a girl?

Re: Opinions on using the name Milo for a girl?

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    NMS but if you like the sound of it, maybe you could think of names like Mila.
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    Edit: Sorry that was harsh. I Milo is NMS for a boy. I just don't care for it at all. So hearing for a girl to me makes me like it even less.

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    Agreed, absolutely NOT OKAY!!!

    I would go with Aspen from your suggestions even though it's NMS. Maddox is not good on a girl either!

    I like the PP's suggestion of Mila!

    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

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    NMS but if you like the sound of it, maybe you could think of names like Mila.

    Mila is much more appropriate for a girl. I know a little boy named Maddox.

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    Lilypie - (A6Jy)

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    Waiting for #3!

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    On the off chance that this is real (this is your first post??), Milo and Maddox are all boy.

    Aspen is OK.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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    I knew a girl named Milo growing up.  Never thought twice about it, to be honest.  But we did nickname her Otis, but that reference might be lost on this generation.

    B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17

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    Have to agree, liking unisex names is one thing, using a boy's name on a girl and calling it unisex is another. Milo is all boy, as is Maddox. 

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    <<<<<<------- meet my male cat named milo  

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    Would Milo be cute for a girl? Hell no!
    Married 9-4-04

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    Milo and Maddox =/= unisex.

    Mila?  Appropriate, pretty name for a girl.

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    I knew a girl named Milo growing up.  Never thought twice about it, to be honest.  But we did nickname her Otis, but that reference might be lost on this generation.

    Milo and Otis! Love that movie. Anyway, no I would not pick Milo for a girl, or Maddox. Aspen is nice. 

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    Please don't.  Milo has been a boy name for thousands of years.  We considered using it for DS.  It makes me sad that this could ever be considered a girl name.  Maddox is also awful as a girl name.  I do like Aspen, which I don't think of as unisex (which is probably why I like it - I dislike unisex names).
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
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    If you were seriously considering it, don't do it.

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    Aspen is a tree and a city in Colorado.

    “I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis
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    Why not Mya instead?
    June '15 January Siggy Challenge.  Pinterest Fails

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    Agreed, absolutely NOT OKAY!!!

    I would go with Aspen from your suggestions even though it's NMS. Maddox is not good on a girl either!

    I like the PP's suggestion of Mila!

    This exactly.  I love's different, but still a girl's name.

    Other unisex names:  Morgan, Taylor, Avery, Kendall

    BFP 1/8/10, MC 1/15/10 | BFP 3/20/10, MC 6/24/10 | BFP 12/13/10...EDD 8/22/11...DD born 6/7/11 @ 29 weeks 1 day Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I know someone named Mylene IRL (pron. MEE LEN) and her NN is Milo. But Milo as a given name - no.
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    Both Milo and Maddox are horrific on girls.

    Go with Aspen.

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    Not good at all!
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    George is another nice option.
    It was a rough road, but Arlo Daniel was born April 1, 2013—and our second rainbow is due October 12, 2014.
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    No.  Use Mila or Myla instead.

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    no Milo is 100% boy to me and shoud stay that way.
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    I like Aspen, Myla (my-luh) and Mila (mee-luh) as alternatives.  Big NO to Milo or Maddox on a girl.
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    Aspen may be ok, but NMS.  Milo and Maddox?  No.

    Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)

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    I love Milo for boys, hate it for girls. There is nothing unisex about either Milo or Maddox IMO.
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    Definitely not. Milo is a nice name for a BOY!
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    I had to weigh in with my No. Maddox is on my most hated list so I definitely wouldn't consider it for a girl. Aspen isn't my style but it's not awful. Maybe Mia?

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    NMS but if you like the sound of it, maybe you could think of names like Mila.


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    W.  T.   F.
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    BFP#1 11/10* DS Born via Cesarean 7/11* BFP#2 EDD 1/31/14 *M/C 6/13* BFP #3 RCS 3/14/14
    "I wish that I could bake a cake, made out of rainbows and smiles. And we would all eat it and be happy." 
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    Milo for a girl is awful!  So awful!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    Aspen is okay, the rest are big NOs
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    Milo or Maddox - BIG FAT NO!

    Aspen is not my style.

    Perhaps Mila might be a good compromise?  

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    Gawd, I hope this is MUD.  

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    ::hoping this is mud::


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    No, no, no for either Milo or Maddox.
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