February 2012 Moms

Help a sista out.

For whatever reason I am having a hard time deciding whether or not I should get Emma the flu shot. Dh and I never get it, and I have a hard time getting it for Em. I don't have a hard time with other vaccines, but for some reason I am having a hard time with the flu shot. Like, I just have a feeling like I shouldn't. Emma's 9 month appointment is on the 13th and that's when we would do it...DH is putting the decision up to me. My MIL is a nurse and she said that she should get it. We'll most likely get it, but for some reason I feel like we shouldn't. Does that make sense? Tell me to do it, and if you don't...tell me why! Thanks!


BFP #1 July 4, 2011 Baby girl born Feb 22, 2012!!
BFP #2 December 17, 2012 MMC January 24, 2013
BFP #3 April 7, 2013 Baby girl born December 11, 2013!!
Amelia has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. She has had 3 open heart surgeries, 1 g-tube surgery, and one tracheostomy. She is the strongest, most precious little fighter. 
You can follow her at. Www.ameliafaithsheart.blogspot.com

Re: Help a sista out.

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    Do it! The flu can be really debilitating for infants and I would hate to have that happen if it could be prevented. We got Audra's and she did very well with it. Since it will be the very first flu shot she will have to go back in 1 month for a booster, but Audra did well with that one as well.
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    We did it, and it was sooo not a big deal. Most of the time L is really feverish and crabby for a few days after shots. After the flu shot, she was back to herself in less than an hour.

     Do you have specific concerns? I know my biggest reason for doing it is to cover myself. If she does get the flu, I'd hate to blame myself thinking maybe I could have prevented it. If L does get the flu now, god forbid, I'll know I did everything I could.  

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    We did it, and it was sooo not a big deal. Most of the time L is really feverish and crabby for a few days after shots. After the flu shot, she was back to herself in less than an hour.

     Do you have specific concerns? I know my biggest reason for doing it is to cover myself. If she does get the flu, I'd hate to blame myself thinking maybe I could have prevented it. If L does get the flu now, god forbid, I'll know I did everything I could.  

    I don't know! It's a weird irrational thing that I can't even give a reason for. We'll probably do it because I can't imagine if she got that sick.  


    BFP #1 July 4, 2011 Baby girl born Feb 22, 2012!!
    BFP #2 December 17, 2012 MMC January 24, 2013
    BFP #3 April 7, 2013 Baby girl born December 11, 2013!!
    Amelia has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. She has had 3 open heart surgeries, 1 g-tube surgery, and one tracheostomy. She is the strongest, most precious little fighter. 
    You can follow her at. Www.ameliafaithsheart.blogspot.com
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    Get it! The benefits far outweigh the risks, IMO.
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    We did it, Madison did not even cry, and she had zero side effects.  It has life saving benefits and I couldn't live with myself if she got the flu and it could have been prevented.  Hell, I don't even like it when she has a runny nose!!

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    I wasn't going to get it for E, but 2 kiddos from our play group had the flu last month.  One had to be admitted to the hospital for fluids.  Neither kiddo had his flu shot.  We missed the fateful playdate, but the kids who were vaccinated did not get sick.  That was my wake up call to get it for E.

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    We got it for Aria. I work with the public and there's no telling what I bring home. Hubs is out and about working for the city (his full time job) and running his lawn care business, and there's any number of things he could expose her to when he gets home. (he does shower before he even holds her)

    Aria gets vaccinated for everything, because we could never live with ourselves if we thought we brought home something that made her seriously ill.

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    I was just watching the news. 4 people have died here in Wisconsin from the flu. Looks like we're getting it for her!


    BFP #1 July 4, 2011 Baby girl born Feb 22, 2012!!
    BFP #2 December 17, 2012 MMC January 24, 2013
    BFP #3 April 7, 2013 Baby girl born December 11, 2013!!
    Amelia has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. She has had 3 open heart surgeries, 1 g-tube surgery, and one tracheostomy. She is the strongest, most precious little fighter. 
    You can follow her at. Www.ameliafaithsheart.blogspot.com
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    I say do it too... I was in the same boat as you. DH and I both never got one and were figuring why poke Reece again. I learned a lot from our pedi when she told us we would be stupid not to get it. Viral attacks like the flu wreck havoc on an infant and many babies die if they are attacked hard enough...why risk it!

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    Riley had her 2nd one yesterday and she didn't even cry!! Probably bc she didn't have to see the doctor at the same time. We went home and she took a 2.5 hour nap! That was the best part of the flu shot

    Hubs took Aria for her booster Monday. He said she only stuck her lip out when they did it. By the time he had pulled her pants back on, she was blowing raspberries at the nurses. Then, when they got home, she took a 4 hour nap.

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    I felt the same way as you, but I did it because he is so little right now. I know any illness can be pretty devastating for their systems. It was no big deal. I probably wont do this as he gets older.

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    I really waivered on this one too!  I've never gotten the shot, and I've never had the flu (knock on wood).  My issue with it is that it does not protect against all strands of the flu.  The shots that they give are what "they" "think" will be the most common thread.  So, my thought was, you can't guarantee me that he won't get one of the strands that he won't be vaccinated against, so what would be the point.  After much contemplating, I decided that it was better to vaccinate against what I could that to leave him open for anything.  He did really good when he got the shot, and with the 2nd dose as well.  However, he was a little more cranky after the 2nd dose, than he's been with any of the other shots.  I know it was the flu shot that did it because that's the only thing he got at that visit.  So, my suggestion is to just do it!

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    Everyone in our house gets it.

    I have since I got the flu one year and had two well children to care for....nightmare!

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