
Need your help ladies - may be tmi

So yesterday I noticed some pink when I wiped when going #2.  I didn't think much of it as I just had an u/s on Friday and my cervix was at 3.  I noticed the pink today and looked in the toilet and there was red globby things in there.  I've had no contractions, nothing feeling different and there isn't any pink when I go pee.  I just chalked it up to roids.  I plan on calling the OB on Monday but should I call now? 

oh, I'm not constipated and really don't have to strain when this is happening. 

Re: Need your help ladies - may be tmi

  • are you sure you aren't losing your mucus plug? often mucus sort of slides back to the rectum and it seems like it's there from #2 but it's really coming from the vagina.  If you google images "mucus plug" there is a really pretty picture of what it looks like (sarcasm... it's nasty- but a good reference!).
  • I would call your OB's phone service and have a dr call you back.  My OB says all the time that if she didn't expect to get calls in the middle of the night or on the weekends, she would have gone into dermatology.  The advice people give on this board is wonderful, but only a dr can give you medical advice.
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