
Placenta Previa

Hi all.  This is my third pregnancy and I was diagnosed with placenta previa during my 21 week ultrasound.  I am currently scheduled for a c-section, since my last two were delivered that way, but I was reading and heard there could be issues during the actual c-section due to this.  I was wondering if anyone else was diagnosed with this condition and then it corrected itself before delivery?

Re: Placenta Previa

  • I was diagnosed with complete previa at 18weeks. Mine never corrected and my daughter was born at 36weeks due to pre-term labor. I lost a little more blood than normal during the c section, but not enough to need a transfusion.

    My dr told me that 80-90% of previas correct themselves before delivery. I was just in the small percentage that didn't. Good luck! Hope yours moves!

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  • My SIL had a c-section because of Placenta Previa. It was her third LO, her first two were delivered vaginally. She had her c-section at 36 weeks because her first two LOs were a couple weeks early and they didn't want her to go into labor. Everything went great and they were home three days later. 

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  • imagedanigirl7181:

    My SIL had a c-section because of Placenta Previa. It was her third LO, her first two were delivered vaginally. She had her c-section at 36 weeks because her first two LOs were a couple weeks early and they didn't want her to go into labor. Everything went great and they were home three days later. 

    This was me too, except mine was at 37w2d.  There was a concern for mine that my placenta wouldn't detach properly and I may lose my uterus, so they had 4 units of blood on hand for me.  I don't think my situation was quite the norm though.  :/

    Mama of 3 earth babies and 1 beautiful angel baby
  • I've had placenta previa with both of my pregnancies. The first corrected itself in time for delivery and I was able to deliver my son vaginally. I'm currently pregnant with my second (34 weeks) and still complete placenta previa so it hasn't corrected itself. I have a csection scheduled for 38 weeks. My doctor did explain that there is a small chance of the placenta attaching to the uterus in which some cases the uterus would have to be removed, but I think he was just letting me know that even though it is a small chance, the risk is there. Doc did say that they cannot tell if this is the case from an ultrasound and they'd only be able to know once you were having the csection. 
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  • I am 34 weeks and have complete placenta previa.  My doctor said that most c sections due to placenta previa are like any other stnadard c section except for when the placenta is anterior.  When the placenta is anterior the doctor will have to cut through the placenta in order to get to the baby and that means there needs to be a sense of urgency once the placenta has been cut into.

    I'm still praying mine might have moved as I've recently met two other ladies who had complete placenta previa and even had their c sections scheduled and at their last ultrasounds found out their placentas had moved enough for a vaginal delivery.

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