
sensory issue

So Monday we were told DD has a prematurity related sensory issue. The Dr said that means she can't tell where her body is in space, and its causing her to be over stimulated by normal activities. The Dr gave us a list of exercises techniques to use to calm her down and said no tv time, which is literally the only upside right now since dh takes Dr orders serious and I'm not having to nag him not to put her in front of the tv anymore. The activities and exercises seem to be aggrivating her more then they help. I'm so frustrated, her sleep issue that prompted the discovery of this sensory thing is getting worse, she's more agitated then ever and they want us to keep this up for 6 wks before they will decide if she needs ot or not. After months of her being fussy with no cause, a week of only sleeping 5 hrs in a 24 hr period, the idea of 6 more wks of it makes me want to break down.
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Re: sensory issue

  • Sorry things are rough right now.  Julia has some feeding issues that may be related to her sleep cycles and/or sensory issues.  Hang in there!
    DD#1, Alexa, Born 8/08; TTC # 2 since 3/2010; 8 IUI BFN; 1 cervical pregnancy in April 2011; IVF #1 Dec 2011 worked. EDD = 9/7/12. Bedrest starting 6/4/12. Julia Mae born 7/1/12, home 8/12/12. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • We have an appointment with her regular pediatrician in the morning, he thinks it could be a problem with her ears. He said even if its not he will do everything possible to find the problem and get her sleeping again. That's my biggest concern with the whole thing, she's only sleeping 5 hrs out of 24. I can deal with the fussing and screaming, they suck, but dh I swap off when we get frustrated until she's calm again, but not sleeping can cause so many other problems for her. Wish us luck, I'm hoping we find a solution that works tomorrow, or at least get on the right path.
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  • Good luck!  Hope she's sleeping well soon!
    DD#1, Alexa, Born 8/08; TTC # 2 since 3/2010; 8 IUI BFN; 1 cervical pregnancy in April 2011; IVF #1 Dec 2011 worked. EDD = 9/7/12. Bedrest starting 6/4/12. Julia Mae born 7/1/12, home 8/12/12. Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Just got back from the pedi, he said the sensory issue signs are so minor not to worry about them unless they start getting worse. Her ears are perfect, she's not showing any signs of anything other then being a little on the hyper side. He told us to stop all baby food except oatmeal to rule out the sugar, prescribed a new multivitamin to rule out a red or yellow dye reaction, and prescribed her something for sleep for the next 3 wks, I'm so exhausted I can't remember the name of it atm and I'm waiting on it to be filled. We will finally start getting some sleep around here! I'm so glad its just her being hyperactive, I can handle that. I feel like I should have thought of that before because dh was the same way as a baby so it makes sense she would be too.
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  • Have you thought about having her evaluated for Early Intervention? She may benefit from Occupational Therapy. My son's OT works with him on his sensory issues too and I definitely think it's beneficial.


    Good luck!

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  • We are going through the evaluation process for first steps and we told them her developmental specialist recommended an ot consult if she gets in to avoid their 6 wk wait for one. Our final eval is Tuesday so fingers crossed we get in since they only do one home evaluate every 3 months and base qualification on what she does that visit. She did everything she is supposed to for her specialist, she just won't do it at home for us, or nearly as frequent as she should. I hate wishing she wouldn't do stuff, but she needs the extra help and I don't want her not to qualify because she gets evaluated on one of the rare occasions she is doing great.
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  • Should add she failed in 3 areas for her adjusted age when they did the phone interview, I just am not sure why that doesn't count with the home eval since they asked a lot about how frequently she does certain stuff.
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  • She's 3 mos adjusted, and unfortunately they don't automatically qualify preemies here. She does have a developmental specialst she sees, but he told us we have to wait 6wks for an ot referral to see if she starts growing out of it. First steps qualifies all babies the same way regardless of being preemie or full term. The medication her pedi prescribed did work last night, she slept really well and actually went down for her first nap, we only give it to her at bed time so not sure if that was a fluke. And on the plus side she didn't wake up all congested with the weather change like she has the last few times it changed pretty drastically over night.
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