My DH desperately needs new jeans. It seems that every pair he has are not working.
He's about 5'9
has a little beer belly
he has no butt
He is lean everywhere else (arms, legs, ect)

“I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign
over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a
year.” -
Bette Davis
Re: Men with no butt
Hey him and I could be friends.
I flucking hate trying crap on in the store.
Thanks Ladies for not helping me but clearly rubbing it in my face that yo man has the big booty Judy
::goes and kicks rocks::
“I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis