Pre-School and Daycare

Overwhelmed by Tech Toys!

Just wondering if there is anyone else out there who isn't in to or gets overwhelmed by all the technology they have for young kids now?

All DD#1 has is our computer, my iPhone, a Mobigo, and just a play laptop (not sure which brand but nothing fancy). I have put a few fun learning apps on my phone but her interest in them doesn't last very long. Her computer can plug into our computer to have new stuff downloaded but honestly it's such a pain for how little she uses it. The only thing she really likes is the Mobigo and I enjoy it too because all I have to do is stick a cartridge in it.

I see all these commercials and notice the posts here about Apps for LO's, which Leappad to get, Wii games, Tag readers, iPads and so on. I feel so out of the loop. Don't even get me started on Toys R' Us, I just stand at the gigantic wall of electronics and get more confused by the second.

Am I the only one who gets overwhelmed by all of it? I guess maybe it's just picking out what you like best and sticking with it? That is until the newer version of it comes out in 6 months:) I sometimes feel like I am depriving my kids of technology. Anyone have any tips for how to sort it all out?

Re: Overwhelmed by Tech Toys!

  • You could just not buy that stuff:) My DH and I have that stuff, but I don't see why a 4 year old needs any of it. But that's maybe just me. She is a whiz on the computer, Kindle Fire and Ipod Touch. But I am not buying her any techy toys for Christmas. She'll get enough of that as she gets older, and once she's in school, she'll be on the computer a lot. I choose to go old school with toys - books and puzzles, dolls and board games! What, board games?! Yes, board games:)
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  • I really do not think you are depriving your children.  They are only little for so long.  It's my opinion that there is plenty of time for computers, video games, etc, later on.  Our home consists of 2 laptops and a Nook.  We do not have a TV so my kids do not see commercials.  DH and I have never had cell phones that do anything but make phone calls.  I use the Nook to read at night while BFing but that is it.

    We play with toy cars, blocks, games, imaginative play (my kids are currently playing with a string that has become a magic lasso).  I know about the Wii and iPads/iPhones but nothing much beyond that:)

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  • I'm just ignoring all of it for now and sticking to teddy bears, blocks, trains and dolls! I figure I'll deal with it when my kids are old enough to actively start wanting it. 
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  • I don't buy DD tech toys because I don't want to give her a gift that I have to limit her time using.
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  • There's a lot out there, but when it comes to toys I look less at what's available and more at what is my child interested in, what does he like to do. Blocks, puzzles, imaginative play and being outside are the biggies for DS, so I look at toys that center around those elements. 

    I'm wary of introducing lots of electronics because I know as he gets older and goes to school he will become more interested in these. At 4, they can wait. He has two apps on my phone that are great when we are out and need to avoid a meltdown.

    Even without having lots of electronics to call his own, he is still exposed to technology, it's just not a big part of his play at this point. 

    I'd say DS's most interactive toy this year will be A Book With A Hole by Herve Tullet, ink and paper at it's best. I'm certainty not anti-technology, I work in online education, but I just don't find myself impressed by a lot of what I see marketed towards young children.

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  • I'm a little overwhelmed too.  We are totally slow and behind the times, we don't even have a laptop, jsut a clunky desktop computer.  We have no ipads.  I did buy an Iphone and I have a Kindle Fire, but I don't think I use even half of their capabilities.  DD watches shows on my Iphone and Kindle, but that's about it.

    We bought a Tag reader and I know I have to sync that (?) or do other stuff, we'll see how that goes.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • My kids are 5 and 4.  They have no computer toys or games at all beyond a Leap Frog type toy like this:


    No LED screens, no apps, no internet activity.

    We're staying away from it as long as possible. 

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • My kids have leapsters, toy computers, Tag Readers and iPods. The only thing they use are the iPods and the rest are complete wastes of money. Seriously, you kid has more than is necessary, don't wasted more money.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • We will keep the tech toys at bay for as long as possible! My son loves books, crafts, building, so we will get those for him. He does likes books on cd in the car and we do have a Wii that was given to us, but we only play once every few months. We like board games and outside time. Playing on couch cushions.


    For me.... there is SO much stimulation in a kid's day, why add more with tech toys? Just let them be kids, use their imagination, etc.

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