My son came home yesterday and said they watched an anti-drug video in P.E. (which I had to give permission for) and we got to talking about what I learned in school.
Anyone remember a video where people were dressed up in costumes as the different drugs? Really creepy/sleazy costumes? I remember they kind of freaked me out.
Thankfully, his video was nothing like that. I kind of want to find a clip to show him, though. He thought my description was funny.
Re: Who went to D.A.R.E.?
It wasn't around yet when I was in school. My kids have gone (l and t anyway).
I also remember that I did a demo for them and had to do a ton of jumping jacks breathing through a straw. Apparently that's what being a smoker feels like...
Found it!
I really just want to see the people dressed as drugs.
Here's a clip of "Pot and Booze" but it's really crappy quality.
I am cracking up watching this.
My mom worked in the school and now I remember her saying that parents were mad about this video because it hammers in the message that cigarettes and alcohol are drugs, so kids were telling parents they were "doing drugs" because they smoked or drank.
I don't think we had an option- D.A.R.E. came to us. I won the drawing contest one year with my awesome drunk driving depiction.
All I remember from DARE was trying on the beer goggles, I thought they were awesome, lol
DARE at my school was just an officer who came and told us horrible things about drugs that were supposed to make us scared shittless to try them. Then we went back to class.
Sigh. But when I see DARE I automatically think of the black shirt with the red DARE printed slanted across the front and the slogan, "To resist drugs and violence."
Also, my brother still wears his DARE shirt... It's at least three sizes too small.
FWIW. I never really did any drugs. I drink though. I tried weed once, but couldn't figure out how to inhale it. My dad got really really sick from cigarettes so that ruined them for me. Oh, and in middle school and high school, I thought I was violent, but looking back, I was just a twat who thought she was "hard".
This happened at our school too, except it was our principal, not the teacher.
I also remember that at our DARE graduation, the theme song was "Total Eclipse of the Heart". It must've worked, I never tried drugs (except alcohol, but not until I was in college).
LOL when I did my student teaching, the DARE officer took up with one of the teachers. Although she was single and I'm pretty sure he ended his marriage before they started dating.
Don't remember the videos though.
Baby Chugging born 12.28.13
induction due to HELLP
Exact same here. I have a feeling that if it were any more than that, a bunch of people in my classes would be laughing hysterically.
Well, technically alcohol and nicotine are drugs, considering a drug is any chemical that causes a change in a person's body or behavior. But caffeine and ibuprofen are also drugs. We almost need a word between "drug" and "illegal drug" that encompasses alcohol, tobacco and even marijuana.
Yeah DARE definitely doesn't work. It's not an evidence-based curriculum, which is why a lot of school districts don't fund it anymore.
I remember DARE. We had to write some essay or something and I won, so for a reward I got to read my essay out loud in front of an entire auditorium-to me that was worse than death. I got a medal and a tee shirt too... I was pretty cool, and obviously the envy of all my peers.
After that we had some poetry memorization/reading outloud contest. I made sure I sucked at it so I got eliminated early.
Wow. Lots of scandalous DARE officers.
Ours was a parent of one of my classmates. Straight, boring, and not great at selecting videos.
I did D.A.R.E,, S.A.D.D., and P.A.N.D.A. and yeah, I still drink and do other things.
But I was always very smart about it.
I have a really embarrassing story about the D.A.R.E program. I still get embarrassed when I think about it now.
I don't know if all the workbooks were the same. But, there was one page where you got to fill in a personalized license plate. I could not think of anything to write. Everyone was coming up with clever things. Not me. Finally, I had it! I came up with something that fit in the spaces. It actually wasn't true. But, it was kind of a gross farm animal. So, what the heck. IH8PIGS
The office came up and asked me "The animal or people?" I said "Animal, of course." Could not figure out why he was questioning it. So, I went home and told my mother the story. Then, she gasped in horror and told me what "Pigs" could actually mean. Seriously, I have been mortified ever since. I still want to contact that officer to this day and tell him I truly had no idea.
I came from a small town, and a lot of kids didn't have much to do on weekends but get drunk or stoned. So clearly repeated DARE classes worked wonders.
My officer had no scandals that I know of. I do think I ended up getting drunk at a bar with him and several of my friends once we all became legal. But we also got drunk with a lot of our old teachers, too, so that's not really too surprising.
omg I'm dying, soooo funny LOL
I didn't go through DARE and I've only smoked two cigarettes, smoked weed once, and gotten drunk probably way less than the majority of people on this board.