Can you please stop karate chopping me?
So I had been having some pains above my belly button and across my stomach for about a week, so i called my MFM today and they had me come in just to check things out. I know that RLP is super common at this stage but from what I have heard its usually below the belly button and quick pinches and pulling. This has been more of a constant dull ache with sharp pains that would come and go.
Well My little Baby B is sitting really high, above my belly button and laying across my stomach. They said the pain was probably B just having some fun with kicking and stretching. I have not felt any "kicks", nothing definite, but I guess this explains where the pain is coming from, lol.
Did anyone else have a baby up this high this early?
Re: Dear Baby B:
Me: PCOS, DH: normal
Started seeing RE 11/10/2011
8/31/2012 = BFP!!
First Ultrasound... TRIPLETS! EDD 5/11/13
Baby w/ no HB @ 10w4d - We love you angel baby.
Baby A & B doing great. A/S 12/10/12 - Healthy BOYS!
Sawyer & Silas born at 33+6 on 3/29/13
B/G twins born 5/12