
Dear Baby B:

Can you please stop karate chopping me?

So I had been having some pains above my belly button and across my stomach for about a week, so i called my MFM today and they had me come in just to check things out.  I know that RLP is super common at this stage but from what I have heard its usually below the belly button and quick pinches and pulling.  This has been more of a constant dull ache with sharp pains that would come and go.

 Well My little Baby B is sitting really high, above my belly button and laying across my stomach.  They said the pain was probably B just having some fun with kicking and stretching.  I have not felt any "kicks", nothing definite, but I guess this explains where the pain is coming from, lol.

Did anyone else have a baby up this high this early?

DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!

Re: Dear Baby B:

  • I don't know if it was happening at 14w like you but Baby B is sitting above my belly button as well. It's making my belly button look really flat and weird. I can't quite feel him kick but when he rolls it feels like a very uncomfortable pulling pain until he settles down. Yesterday on u/s we saw that Baby B had done a 180 flip and was feet to feet with Baby A. At one point they started kicking each other and the tech was so amused she let us watch for a few minutes. I am afraid of when I can actually feel them. I'll never sleep again!
    TTC since 3/4/2010
    Me: PCOS, DH: normal
    Started seeing RE 11/10/2011
    8/31/2012 = BFP!!
    First Ultrasound... TRIPLETS! EDD 5/11/13
    Baby w/ no HB @ 10w4d - We love you angel baby.
    Baby A & B doing great. A/S 12/10/12 - Healthy BOYS!
    Sawyer & Silas born at 33+6 on 3/29/13
    imageView Raw Image" height="250" width="375">


  • I'm much farther along but my Baby B is sitting very high and has finally made his way to my ribs....I'm tall so that bought me some time ha. And yes, he kicks like crazy and the top of my stomach has been feeling really tender lately. I'm glad he's having so much fun in there but really!
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  • My B baby was transverse and high.  It was quite painful and I am sorry to tell you that it definitely didn't get better as the pregnancy progressed.  On the plus side, I didn't have pelvic pain until the last two weeks or so of the pregnancy... because I only had one baby down there. 

    B/G twins born 5/12

  • My baby B was so high he was up in my ribs, his head was pushing against the bottom of my rib cage making it incredibly painful to breathe!  I also didn't have low pain because no one was down there!  You adjust and will figure out what gets them to move (at least a little) when it gets too uncomfortable.  Hang in there! :)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • One of my babies apparently kicked a rib out of place when I was pregnant. I went to the doctor yesterday and he said he could feel a "kink" in my ribs and have me pain mess for the inflammation. I am almost 4 months out! Gotta love it!
    Photobucket Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think this is pretty common. My baby B is sitting very high and is transverse. Baby's head is right below my rib cage and it causes a lot of pain when baby is active. I wish I could say is gets better, but the more the babies grow and more uncomfortable it gets. 
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