
What are you getting you BFF for Christmas?

I am at a loss.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08

Re: What are you getting you BFF for Christmas?

  • Alcohol of some sort.

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  • imageHilarityEnsued:

    My BFF and I stopped exchanging gifts in high school.  She'll get a Christmas card just like everybody else.

    +1... I'm working on cutting out giving gifts to pretty much any and all adults... I just think it's stupid and I'm not rolling in cash...


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  • Yeah, we don't exchange either.  Sometimes we try to get together to bake Christmas cookies, but that doesn't always happen either. 
  • We don't exchange for ourselves. I do buy for her grandkids and she buys for my children though. 
  • We don't exchange gifts anymore either except for in the form of "Don't go. I'll buy you one more margarita. Stay out!"

    This is my siggy. Love it.

  • Uhhh the privilege of being my friend for another year?

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  • We decided last year not to give each other gifts and just buy something for the wee ones.
  • imagecgr8979:

    My BFF and I stopped exchanging gifts in high school.  She'll get a Christmas card just like everybody else.

    +1... I'm working on cutting out giving gifts to pretty much any and all adults... I just think it's stupid and I'm not rolling in cash...



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  • My friends and have an annual potluck and gift exchange party. We draw names every year. We have been doing this for like 15 years and everyone loves it.
  • I don't have a BFF.     Unless you count my husband.   But, he would undoubtedly object to being called my BFF. 

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  • We do handmade gifts for the BFF's.  The kids, however, get storebought gifts.  This year I made them a Dallas Cowboys themed Christmas wreath (their favorite team).
  • We haven't done a friend exchange probably since college.  A group of us gets together - some years we draw a name for a small gift.  Lately, it's turned into an ornament exchange.
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