Georgia Babies

Kids that get car sick

So I guess now that it's happened for the past 2 Thanksgiving trips we can officially say that MJD is a kid that will get car sick on long trips.  I think it primarily happens at night when he's focusing on something.  Last year he was watching a movie and he blew, this year he was playing with the iPad at night when the eruption happened. 

If you had a kid that gets car sick, what's the best way to help prevent it?  I know I can't read in the car without getting queezy so guess he got it from me :)


Re: Kids that get car sick

  • Luckily this hasn't happened to my kids yet. I had horrible car sickness as a child. My mom always kept a 2 liter bottle of soapy water in the car at all times. What does help is having the child sit forward facing by the window. The middle seat always made me sick. Also looking out the window helps. Finally if there are any allergies or colds, this will make it worse. If I'm congested at all in my ears, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get car sick

    Hope you beat this because it stinks
  • they make dramamine for kids, I always had to take that on long car rides when I was younger.  Also, you could try seabands.  They're accupressure bands that go on the wrist.   I used them when I had horrible morning sickness and they worked wonders.  Make sure he's really hydrated and maybe try mixing some seltzer in with juice - the bubbles seem to help my little one when she feels nauseated.
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  • My niece used to have it so bad. Even before she could talk- long car rides made her hurl.  No warning whatsoever- just a backseat full of puke.  Once she got older, they taught her to tell them when her mouth started to water so they could pull over at least.  But even at 13, she still deals with it :o(  Oh, a couple things... if he's rear facing, consider turning him forward.  I always get sick riding backwards.  If you know its going to be a long ride, break it up with lots of stops.  Roll the windows down every once in a while for fresh air.  Don't let him do one activity for too long. 






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