Can I get some opinions here? I'm 32 weeks-ish along and am finally getting around to switching to a nurse-midwife from an OB. Here are my reasons:
- My OBs are fine, but aren't very holistic
-My OBs office is almost an hour from my house, more in traffic (we moved since the last birth, when I used to live much closer)
-At my first birth, the covering doctor didn't read my birth plan and I was frustrated with him (note it was a man covering for an all-female practice with "By Women" in the name of the practice)
-The MW office/hospital is 27 minutes away on roads that aren't heavily trafficked
-I had a natural birth last time, pretty uncomplicated and short (5 hrs labor, 25 minutes pushing) and I imagine this next one will be similar, though I know there are no guarantees!
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Re: Switching from OB to nurse-midwife at 32 weeks?
Sounds like a reasonable decision, assuming you're comfortable with the MW practice you're switching to.
32 weeks still gives you plenty of time to talk through your birth plan, and get to know each other.
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Like PP said, you still have plenty of time to get to know your midwife and to plan for the birth experience you want! I used an OB and delivered DS in a hospital, but for the next baby I plan to switch to a midwife and deliver at the birth center nearby.
Best of luck to you for an uneventful, comfortable and easy remainder of your pregnancy! Congratulations!
This. I think it's a great decision as long as you're comfortable with your mw. Congratulations and gl mama.
I don't think there will be any drawbacks to making a switch.
The only roadblock you might find is that many practices (traditional OB or NMW) are reluctant to take on a patient past a certain week in the pregnancy. I think that's silly, but it probably has more to do with insurance and business constraints than with pure best-practice from a medical standpoint.