Attachment Parenting


Hi all!
Wasn't sure where to post but wanted to get feedback on hypnobabies. I had my first son naturally and plan to do the same with this little guy. I'm interested in having an even better labor experience. Thoughts? Opinions? Thanks in advance!!!

Re: Hypnobabies

  • I've read the hypnobabies book and liked it. I used some of the ideas but didn't religiously follow all of it.

    If you try the Natural Birth board you'll get lots of feedback on it. 

    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • Thank you!! I was looking around thinking there had to be a natural birth board but couldn't find it on my mobile page. I'm probably just missing it.
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  • It's not on the mobile site. I always google "the bump natural birth".
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  • I did Hypnobirthing, which from what I understand is very similar to Hypnobabies. I LOVED IT. Unfortunately, I ended up with a CS, but up until that point, there was no pain and labor (all 16 hours of it) was very manageable. I can even say that the ride to the birth center was the most relaxing part of my labor thanks to Hypnobirthing. If you visit the Natural Birth Board, page 'sschwege'. She's done Hypnobirthing and had a wonderful experience. She's filled with lots of great information about it. GL! 
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  • DH and I tried Bradley with DS...It didn't work out as planned, but many things that day didn't go as planned, so that's ok. I am thinking about trying hypnobirthing or hypnobabies for our next LO. I hadn't thought about the natural birth board! I'll have to go lurking...hehe
  • Thanks again, girls, for the feedback and the direction!! 
  • I did the hypnobabies home study program. I have nothing but great things to say about it! It kept me really relaxed through the second half of my pregnancy and really helped me to not be afraid of a natural birth. I went through my labor using the hypnosis techniques I learned without any pain meds of any kind and I feel that my pain was little to none until right before delivery. I even had to have pitocin after my water broke and was still had a fairly pain free labor about 18 hours of labor. I read several natural birth books and had a supportive partner as well made all he difference. Good luck to you too!
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