Hi ladies,
I'm a long-time lurker but this is my first post. I'm expecting my second boy in February. DH and I are finally agreeing on names after much discussion, but we're stuck.
We really love Spencer and would love to use Thomas (MIL's maiden name) as his middle name. However, our last name starts with a D, so the initials present a problem. We're talking about naming him Thomas Spencer and just calling him Spencer, but I'm worried that it will be a pain when he starts school. Has anyone dealt with this? Is it a big enough problem to choose another name?
We also like Henry Thomas, but Spencer is my favorite! It's a family name on my side so we love the idea of using a name from each side. DS is Jack Tyler (Tyler is my maiden name).
Thanks ladies!
Re: Going by middle name?
Luckily my husband pointed out the STD initials because I didn't even notice at first! That could've been bad.
We like William as a MN too, but I'd prefer to use Thomas. I've always been a big 'name them what you're going to call them' person, so that's why I'm struggling with calling him by his MN. I guess I just need to get over it!
As a teacher, I have several students that go by middle names for various reasons. I always ask on the first day of school if students go by different names and this is no different that someone going by a nn (like Michael being called Mike).
Personally I prefer Spencer Thomas (that's my DS's name) but I agree with the initial issue.
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Pinterest: LO ... somedayIt's good to know we won't be dooming him to a life of constantly correcting everyone.
Thanks for the replies!