Food Allergy

Banana allergy in 6 mos old

Anyone's LO have a banana allergy? My 6 month old broke out in hives on her face today, threw up and then had diarrhea, so I'm sure its an allergy my 3 year old is dairy allergic. Just wondering and worrying that if she's allergic to something as innocuous as bananas what our future holds for everything else.... I have on and off suspected dairy allergy because she has some mild eczema, but 3 pediatricians we moved cities at 3 months and didn't like the first Ped we picked in the new city, so moved haven't been worried.

Interested if anyone else has had experience with banana allergy. TIA!
DD2- May 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1/26/11- missed m/c @ 12 weeks

Re: Banana allergy in 6 mos old

  • DD2 had bananas w/o any trouble a handful of times. Then twice in a row, when she had bananas, she threw up repeatedly a few hrs after consuming them. The allergist ordered a blood test to check for an allergy, but it came back negative. Of course, allergy testing isn't very accurate in young ones, so the test could've been a false negative, but obviously we're avoiding anything with banana for the time being. I was worried it was FPIES because of the delayed, repeated vomiting, but she hasn't had a bad reaction to anything else thus far.

    Does your LO react to latex? Latex and banana allergies are often related. My 2.5 year old is also allergic to dairy (and soy, and eggs), and DD2 is dairy and soy protein intolerant. Introducing solids has been scary with DD2 because I worry about what she might be allergic to as well.

    DD2 also has eczema, but it cleared up once I cut nuts out of my diet. Her allergy testing did show she's allergic to cashews. Eczema and allergies do often go together. I would push to see a pediatric allergist when LO turns one and have testing done.

    Are you bf'ing or ff'ing? Have you tried cutting dairy from your diet (or switching to a hypoallergenic formula) to see if LO's eczema clears up?

    someecardscom - Im well on my way to getting absolutely nothing done today
    DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    c/p 4/1/11

    DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananasBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
  • Thanks so much for your reply!!

    I've been breastfeeding, but in the last 6 weeks introduced formula because my production hasn't been keeping up and she wasn't putting on weight quickly enough. Since I was worried about dairy, I put her on Nutrimidgen sp? and cut dairy from my diet. Because of DD1's allergies, I also cut out peanuts at the beginning of third trimester. I think maybe I need to also cut out tree nuts. The Ped had me start adding milk back into my diet about 3 weeks ago. I haven't done like a big glass of milk is anything, but everything seemed to be going fine. Eczema and spit up we're the same. Poops were a little greener, but I attributed that to the herbs I was taking for breastfeeding.

    I will say also that at 3 months I started using latex nipples because she was refusing the bottle, I was going back to work and the lactation consultant recommended it. Now, I'm terrified that I sensitized her with the extended exposure since bananas and latex are highly correlated..... I need to stop reading the Internet since one girl was saying that she can go into anaphalaxic shock if she walks into a store where they have recently blown up balloons. I just hate, hate, hate this for our kids!!!!!! Ok, done ranting. Thanks again for your note!!!!
    DD2- May 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1/26/11- missed m/c @ 12 weeks
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  • I don't have experience with my LO, but DH has a banana allergy. His throat starts to swell if he has bananas, does not react to latex and his tongue just gets itchy if he has too much avocado (also related). I know its stressful. My DD had 10 confirmed allergies (just started getting some foods back), but banana was never one of them, so I wouldn't worry too much about everything else your LO could be allergic to. And for what it's worth, I used latex nipples with DD also.
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    Allergic to soy, oat, egg, peanuts, and tree nuts
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I developed a banana allergy as a toddler and then a latex allergy at 13, found out at the dentist. When I was 20 I had a full blown anaphylactic reaction and had to use my epi pen, this was an airborne reaction to latex balloons. I'm not saying this to scare you, your daughter may very well grow out of her allergy. But if I were in the same position as you, I'd just say be aware of the connection to latex and other related foods (I'm also allergic and/or sensitive to a number of foods now), and limit latex exposer as much as possible. Here is a latex allergy forum that is awesome, you can ask questions there or just lurk to find information:  

    Lots of the members are parents of children with latex allergies. Hope this helps!

  • We're pretty sure DD2 has a banana allergy (along with a slew of other things).  The weird part is that she never reacts immediately.  She gets hives while digesting the allergen.  For example; we gave her bananas one day and the next day she woke up with hives all over her tummy and back.  Just to make sure, we gave her bananas a week later, and sure enough, the same thing happened!
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