Pre-School and Daycare

Losing my mind!!

My 4 yr old DD was really good with going on the potty. Though, over the past month or so she's having accidents almost every day. She has no accidents at school, when we're out, with grandma or nana. Just when we're at home. I don't know what to do with her. Any advice would be so appreciated.
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Re: Losing my mind!!

  • Today, I kept checking if she had to go and she kept telling me no.... even while she had already had the "accident". But yea, we figure there is something bothering her but we can't figure out what. All she says when we ask her what happened and/or why didn't she go to the potty is "I was busy" or "I wasn't thinking".
    Birthday Anniversary
  • I had this problem last week with my almost 4 year old. I thought she had a uti, but there was no infection. Turns out she was constipated and her colon was swollen and pushing on her bladder. 

    Before we found this out, her pedi said that sometimes they just need to be reset. Like reminding and trying on a schedule as if you were potty training again.

    Also, she said when they hit a growth spurt, the nervous system may take longer to catch up. Leaving a gap where there is not communication from the brain to the bladder. It takes a few weeks to catch up.

    Good luck! 

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  • Thanks for the info!!
    Birthday Anniversary
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