I've posted only a few times on this board, but I've never actually introduced myself. That may be lame, but I can't sleep and can't think of anything better to do, so here it goes.
My daughter was born last April 28th after 37 hours of labor. I went natural for the first 22 hours, until my family and doctor urged me to get the epidural in the hopes that it would allow me to rest and relax. It was HARD WORK, however I relish every minute of it. The pregnancy was unplanned, and her father and I are no longer in a relationship together, although we are still friends. He has seemed to lose a little bit of interest in her - only sees her once a week when his mother babysits her, and sometimes not even then. But his family is unbelievably supportive, and I am so so grateful for them.
I work full time as a chef in catering, and I am extremely lucky to have my mom as LO's daycare. I am currently awaiting news of a promotion into management, which should help steady my hours and double my salary *fingers crossed*.
As a single mom, I can't imagine not attachement parenting or cosleeping. There is no better feeling (except when the little 7 month old child takes up the entire bed...I'm in need of a serious massage).
We are just beginning to introduce solids, and it is slow and go so far. Anyone have any tips?
Re: Why not?
As for solids introduction, it should be a slow process there is really no rush. At this point all the nutrition needed is in the bm anyway except vitamin D if you live in the dark north.... The wholesomebabyfood.com has nice recipes and info on timing and portion sizes.
My DS really liked avocados as a first food still loves them. We also usedRice Krispies cereal instead of poofs for snacks.
Good luck with the promotion!
It is so neat that you're a chef. My husband loves to cook and I love to bake, so we're always in the kitchen doing something fun! Lately we've both been so busy that we plan one "fun" meal per week, and most of the others are our usuals. I also have a personal goal of making sure I bake something yummy once a week!
Welcome! I haven't intro'd myself on this board either... but it's the only one on the bump that I actually like!
I'm 35, FTM, always thought AP'ing was a bit of a dirty word... until I really learned what it meant, and now I see it as the only way for me.
Solids can be a big transition for a lot of little ones. Are you giving purees or table food? I think it's easy to feel some stress or pressure to get babies on solids quickly. Remembering the saying "food before one is just for fun" helps to keep our expectations realistic. Continue to offer new foods, keeping it fun by showing her what you are eating and how much you like it.