Maine Babies

Found two masses on my dog

I have a black lab mix that will be 10 in February.  Last night I was petting her after I fed Gianna and came across 2 masses on her chest.  One is golf ball sized and the other a bit smaller.  The thing is.....she has other lumps that they have determined to be fatty cysts attributed to getting old.  These two feel nothing like that.  I must have sobbed for two hours in the middle of the night.  She has been my best friend and I am not sure if I could deal with her not being here.  I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions until we have been to the vet but it is hard not to.

Re: Found two masses on my dog

  • I would freak out, too.  Did she wince or respond when you pushed on the masses?  If not, maybe they are more fat cysts.  I really hope they are nothing.  ((hugs))
  • I'm sorry : (

    I hope they are nothing.  Hugs for you and positive vibes for your pup. 

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  • She didn't respond at all when I was probing them!  I hope it is nothing!
  • I hope it's nothing, too!  I've always had black lab mix dogs and those fatty tumors are VERY common in that breed.  Do you have a vet appointment tomorrow?
  • They are not open until tomorrow so I will try to get an appointment right away!
  • I know how you feel, we always had labs growing up and it's so sad when they get old because they are the most awesome dogs.  My dad brought home our first one when i was 4 and when I was in grade school and was convinced that I had the meanest mom in the world, I would go outside and sit with my dog and tell her all about it and she would just sit and listen and lick my face. :) haha.  Anway, just wanted to tell you that my parents dog has had large fatty tumors for several years now.  They didn't have them removed because they weren't hurting her and our other dog that had 1 removed then had a whole bunch come back in the same area.  The fatty tumors are very common.  Good luck!

    Baby H #1 born in January '09 after a M/C January '08 Baby H #2 born in May '11 Baby H #3 due April 17th 2013
  • I hope it's nothing! Make sure to keep us updated.

  • i am so sorry you are going through this. ?i really hope that they are nothing at all. ?i will keep you all in my prayers. ?please keep us posted.
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