Baby Names

I am so stuck on a name but DH is not on board anymore

If we have another girl, I have said since just after our first was born, I want to name her Myla. DH was totally on board with this 2 1/2 years ago...but now he is not. I guess we have ~ 29 weeks (and one day) to pick a name, and who knows, we might not even have another girl. 


ok, vent over.  

Re: I am so stuck on a name but DH is not on board anymore

  • It is his kid too. You guys will have to come to a compromise. Easier said than done, I know. I had to give up a few names I really liked and he did too. You have to meet in the middle!
    Chad and Fawn

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  • What kind of names does he like? What about similar sounding names like Mila (me-lah), Isla (eye-lah), or Mia?
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  • I  can sympathize.  My DH will get stuck on a name and entertain nothing else for years.  And then I'll finally come around to it.  Then we agree to not talk names (together- I think about names non-stop) until we're pregnant.  And then because a few years lapse, he's changed his mind.  This happened a few times with IF and then just 2 years between our son and now.

    And he thinks I'm the one who keeps changing the list!

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  • Eh, he may have liked it in the past and now his tastes have changed. Not a big deal, I am sure you will both find a name you love!
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  • Compromise = stamosyla 
  • imageManderlin923:
    What kind of names does he like? What about similar sounding names like Mila (me-lah), Isla (eye-lah), or Mia?

    This - I was thinking Mila or Mya/Myah? 

  • If we have a girl, she'll be Mayna (could also be spelled Meina/Meyna/Meynah/Maynah)

    Has good meanings in German, Dutch, Sanskrit, Arabic and Greek.

    Seems to also align to the kind of name your looking for....

  • He likes all sorts of names, which is good. Mostly very common/traditional names, then he will throw a more unique name out there. He chose our daughter's name, Shayla. I like names very similar to Shayla, more modern names. I think this time around we are just going to wait until we know the sex to really start talking names. 


  • Ugh.  I know how you feel.  I had a name picked out for a little girl since I was 5 years old.  DH doesn't like it, so no dice.  It's a sucky feeling, but all the PPs are correct.  Your LO is his kid, he needs to like the name.
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