Nurseries and Baby Gear

motorola video monitor question

Although we had a sound only monitor with DS, we're thinking of making the switch to a video monitor with 2 cameras so we can see DS and the baby. The motorola ones seem to get good reviews (especially the MBP36 one), but I'm wondering if anyone has issues with interference with wifi, picking up other monitors, etc? We live in a single family house, but the other houses are close and there are other monitors in use in the neighborhood. Thanks!
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: motorola video monitor question

  • We have the motorola MBP 36 with one camera and really like it.  With #2 we'll probably buy the additional camera depending on the nursery situation.  We currently live in a multi-unit condo and have had no problems losing signal or picking up any other monitors. It does have some momentary interference with the wi-fi when the monitor is next to my computer  (like when I load a page or refresh) but it hasn't been that big of a deal, I just try not to have them close to each other.           
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We have the Motorola (3.5" screen) and have 2 cameras.  We've never had a problem with picking up other cameras but if the monitor is right next to the computer, it will case the internet to slow down quite a bit.  It's very rarely right beside the computer though so it's never been an issue.  We love our monitor!
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  • No problems at all. I love ours. My next door neighbor has the same exact one and our bedrooms that we use the receivers and the transmitters are right next to each other (theirs are on the north and ours are on the south so they're as close as they can be neighborwise). We've never had a problem picking up each other's monitors and we regularly take our receivers back and forth between houses with no crossover. I'd definitely recommend it!
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  • We have the 3.5" with one camera but will be adding another when baby 2 arrives. We haven't had any wifi or interference issues. We live in a house but our next door and across neighbors have video monitors and no issues with picking anyone else's up.
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